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Previously on, 'Holding Back'..

"Let's go?"


[ chapter 13 ]

november 10
10:30 p.m
paris, france

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I nodded and we quickly finished dinner. I took a large gulp of my wine and stood up. I called for the check, I received it quickly. I decided to pay cash so it would go by even faster.

I placed a $100 bill, $50 bill, and then another $100 for a tip and we left.

Right as we made it down to the first level and crossed the doors, my name was called.

"Yo, Y/n!" I froze and turned around. I raised an eyebrow at the dark haired realtor very quickly walking over to me.

"You fucked my girl, bro?" Is the first thing he said as soon as he reached me. It surprised me nonetheless, but I managed to keep my face neutral.

"Who told you that?" As soon as I said that, Ariana peeked around the boy's body with a guilty look on her face. 'It slipped.' She mouthed to me as I gave her a look that read 'how the fuck something like that slip?'. I mean, I know I told her to tell him but while I'm RIGHT there?

She knew this would happen.

"The one who also did it, you dumbass! I knew there was something up between you two but going as far as FUCKING her?!" His voice got louder and louder, and I knew this was gonna draw a crowd.

Crowd=people. People=cameras. Cameras=press. Bad press=label mad.

"Look, man, we can hash this out or figure it out like adults somewhere else. Not in public-"

"I don't give a FUCK if it's in public. You messed with the wrong person, dude." I chuckled.

"I think I messed with just the right one." I looked at Ariana and winked, turning back to Dalton to see his face red and knuckles white.

"Fuck you." He spat, glaring hardly at me. I was amused to say the least. One of the funniest things about all of this is this man is staring up at me trying to be bold. Like, lil' man, who is you talking to?

"I knew Ariana wanted to, but I didn't know you did too." I smirked at the gasp I heard from Ariana and the jaw clench I got from Dalton.

By now, there was a full crowd with many cameras out.

what is even the best move here?

"Y/n.." Camila warned, lightly grabbing my forearm. I glanced at her and shrugged.

When I turned back around, I didn't fail to notice Ariana's little glare at the Cuban. This made me smirk.

"Listen, Dalton, you can fight me, get your ass beat in front of everybody, and still lose your girl. Or, you can turn the fuck around and move on. Which one is it?" I crossed my arms over my chest. Camila took a few steps back; as did Ariana.

"We got all these people out here," He looked around at the continuously growing crowd. "Let's give 'em a show." He smirked. I chuckled.

He didn't give me a chance to say anything back. Instead, he threw a right hook straight to my jaw. Fortunately, I expected it and ducked. I squared up simultaneously, landing my own hook to his ribcage.

He groaned, hunching over. "You done fucking up?" I asked, filled with adrenaline.

He got a good hit in. He took me by surprise when he lunged up and uppercutted my dick. I fell to the ground, the throbbing pain shooting all-throughout my body.

"That's what you get, bitch. Keep it away from what's mine." His words went in one ear and right out the other. I was pissed, now. There's no way I'm gonna let a dick kick keep me down.

He ain't Johnny Cage.

I stood up, wobbly, but I did it. I stretched my legs in attempt to relieve pain and then lunged at the man. Right hook, left hook, and one straight to his nose.

Blood was spewing and I knew I had to stop before things really got bad. "Y/n! STOP!" Ariana cried.

I gave him one last hit to his cheek and then stood up. "I'm not the one, Gomez. I'm not the one." I looked up from the bloodied and bruised man and to his current-fiancé.

I gave her a look, and then walked away with Camila worriedly checking my face and fists.


"Y/n, why in the world did you think this was acceptable!" Orion yelled at me over the phone. I was currently getting ready for tonight's show and Chris ordered for him to keep out, as he's 'distracting'.

"I didn't! I told him twice that we should handle this in private but he wasn't listening. Then, he swung on me. So I protected myself. Simple as that." I shrug as Chris sprays some random shit in my hair.

"And you didn't just run away or keep walking away when he was approaching you?!" I looked at the older man in disbelief.

"Orion, why in the fuck would I do that? Would you do that?" I retorted, to which he stayed silent. "Exactly."

"That's besides the point, Y/n. You could've handled it better." I roll my eyes. "Now, I have to deal with the label talking my ear off and your PR acting like this is world war 3. And also with all these rumors. Talkin' bout you're in a love triangle with Camila and Ariana." I sighed.

"Tell the label we'll get it handled asap, tell my PR that I'll just keep quiet until things dial down. If we do interviews, tell them to tell the damn people not to bring that situation up. Now, get over it. It's the past and I can't take it back." Orion groaned.

"Whatever. Have a good show, I'll be there probably half-way through your set." My eyebrows furrowed.

"Where are you anyways?" I asked, glancing up at Chris who was looking at my hair from the front.

"I got held up in a meeting with Republic. So, I've been on the jet for a while now and I should be there in around 2-3 hours." I nodded. "Okay, see you soon."

"See you." And the call ended at that. I sighed and waited for my hair stylist to finish.

"You beat his ass though." Chris commented after a few minutes of silence. I bursted out laughing, which made Chris do the same shortly after.

"I did, I did." I smirked. My phone binged again and I was about to rant to the man about Orion's bullshit; until I noticed it wasn't from my manager.

moonlight 🤍 - we broke up
Read 5:55 PM


ahh, you caused a breakup 😏 . hope you all are enjoying so far ! much love, A

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