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She was walking along the dark, and isolated street, wandering aimlessly, guided by the dim street lights, thinking about her next move.

She could pickpocket others, but at the risk of getting caught and getting sent back to her previous living hell of a life. Then on the other hand, stealing wasn't also a very good idea, though she had the skills, she had some doubts about herself. One thing she was sure of at the moment, she hadn't thought this 'running away' thing through.
In the slightest bit.

Used to the orange light of the street lamps, a black shadow crossed her vision, and she snapped out of her thoughts.

Footsteps could also be heard. There was no way this was a cat or dog or whatever. She wasn't as alone as she thought. For some reason, she wanted to follow and make sure.

She set off without a second thought and followed the sound of footsteps. She could see a slight shadow ahead.
It was definitely human.
She took a closer look, the shadow seemed to come from a dark, narrow alley. She walked closer and took a step inside the narrow spacing.
Huh. Nothing much, I can't even see anything in here.
However, her curiosity had got the better of her, and she walked further into the alley.

Bad mistake.
The next thing she heard were multiple footsteps behind her.
'What's a little young lady doing all alone in the dark?', a scratchy voice asked.
She whirled her head around and saw a couple of scrawny young teenage boys surrounding her. Some of them definitely looked like they've been living off rats and old Coca Cola.
She wasn't afraid. Her fighting instincts activated and she said,
'You all think you're a match for me don't you? Try and feel the pain.'
The one on the middle came closer and said
'You're definitely a tough one. But I doubt a girl can overpower us.'
'We'll try and see!'
She picked up a rod off the ground and started swinging it, trying to hit at least one.
These ones were good. They dodged each and every swing of her rod and caught her from both sides.
Not even one night alone and I get beaten by a couple of stupid high schoolers. What a good start.
Suddenly a voice shouted from behind her
'Not on my watch!'
A blonde man wearing a blue top hat came out of nowhere, striking them both with some garbage lids. She pulled herself free and got her rod again, preparing herself.
The blonde guy spoke with a thick accent, 'You think you can just fight a girl and get away with it? Not when I am here, you idiots!'
This guy was talkative. Just throw a punch or two already.
She made the first move, sprinting forward and striking her rod on the biggest one's head. He collapsed on the ground clutching his head. Not bad. The blonde one smacked the two trash lids together on the other one's head, like a cymbal. In no time there was only one left standing.
He definitely looked terrified, having see his entire group knocked out, but seemed to have some courage left.
'C-come at me! What are you afraid of?'
She was ready to smack the heck out of this guy with her rod but the blonde guy stopped her.
'Leave this to me, kid.'
She definitely recognized this accent as Swedish, and the blonde hair with the blue top hat, well, that was understandable.
He spun one of his trash can lids frisbee-style, right into the middle of the teenager's forehead before he had any chance to react.
She would have praised that neat spin, if the lid hadn't bounced off a streetlight pole and hit her in the side of her head.

Her head was spinning terribly, her whole head ached badly and she crumbled to the ground.
The Swedish guy was over her, shouting indistinguishable words, and black was appearing from small random dots in her eyesight.
The pain was too much, and the next thing she knew was a blackout.

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