Chapter 10: Good news

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Charles POV

Charles was walking towards the tent where the General usually was in. He had just made peace between the Bukowski twins over a silly fight. He was good at calming people down, he had that quality.

He opened the tent flap and peeked his head inside.


The General looked up, 'Charlie. Where's Henry and Ellie? I called all you three. I have some good news.'
Charles sat down in front of the General, 'They're taking their time. For some reason they slept late.'

Of course the reason being them cuddling each other.

'Ah. I guess I shall see you later.'

Charles got up, feeling dejected. He had no idea why he felt so empty inside. Seeing Henry and Ellie getting close together made him happy, but he felt heartache when he saw himself being the third wheel.

Don't worry Charles Calvin. Someone perfect is bound to come sooner or later.

But he was 23 years old, and he hadn't had a crush on a single person in his life! It wasn't normal to him.

'Charles! How are you?'

Victoria Grit. The most dedicated captain the military had ever seen. She was a good person to talk to, if he didn't want to talk to Henry or Ellie about it.

He'd also told her about his family. The Toppat Clan was responsible for his parents and unborn brother's death and he wanted to take revenge. He was going to settle this personally. hopefully the General would let him fight them this time.

'Hello Vicky.'
'What's wrong? Feeling okay?
Charles scratched his head, 'I honestly don't know.'
Victoria smacked her hand on his back, 'Charlie, I can read you like a damn book. Let me guess, you're feeling heartsick?'
Charles looked up, 'How did you-?'
'Look here, you have it written all over your face. So who's the lucky girl?'
'I don't have anyone of interest right now..'
The blonde captain hummed in thought for a few seconds.
'Okay, now I got it. You're tired of being a third wheel.'
'How in the world-.'
'You can't hide anything from me, comrade. You're feeling jealous that Henry and Ellie have each other. That's it, right?'

The pilot shook his head and crossed his arms in annoyance, 'I'm not jealous! I'm really happy for them! They're perfect for each other!'

'Charlie, I know it's hard for you. Being a third wheel hurts. But one day a princess of your dreams will come, I know it!'

'Princess of my dreams is one way to put it. But I'm just really worried I'll never find someone!'

'Listen here, Calvin. I need you to never stop believing. You will find someone one day. I know it. A silly, intelligent and beautiful girl will be there for you, got it?'

'I guess...'
'I need more enthusiasm, soldier!'
'There is someone for me.'
'Say it like you mean it!'
'There is someone for me!'
'Is that the best you can do?'

'That's the spirit! Now, we have to make sure Ellie and Henry talk to each other on Valentines Day. They really need to confess, and you're the perfect man for this. Got it, Charlie?'

He saluted to his captain respectfully, 'Yes ma'am!'
'That's the Charlie I know. Now I think I see Ellie and Henry coming. Remember what I told you.'

She walked away. Charles ran over to tell the General wanted to talk to the three.

A few minutes later they were sitting in the tent, the General looming over them.
'Henry. Ellie. Charles. I have some good news regarding the Toppat Clan. We have finally tracked their Airship. Unfortunately, Miss Stickmin hasn't been located yet, I am sorry Henry.'
Henry gestured with his hands,'Its okay.'
'Right, now some of our soldiers have devised a plan to take them out once and for all. You three will infiltrate the Airship, take control of it and bring it down so that we can apprehend them all. We can finally put an end to their madness.'
Ellie leaned forward, 'So, when will we be doing that? Tomorrow?'
'Not quite. We have to gather our resources first, so I say we can carry our little plan out on the 15th of February.'
Henry looked up, '15th of February? My sisters birthday...', he signed.
Charles patted his back, to try to make him feel better.
'Right. We'll carry out our plan near midnight. The whole ship is bound to be asleep. Charles won't be driving the helicopter this time.'
Charles looked surprised, 'What-General, why?'
'I've seen you get better at combat. You're really a good fighter when you put your heart into it. Don't worry, you're the one driving the Airship. I'll be sending Quentin and the Bukowski twins along with you.'
Charles looked elated, 'I won't let you down, sir!'
'That's the spirit. I trust you three. Hopefully we'll be able to put an end to this once and for all. You three are dismissed.'

'Well, the clans coming to an end. That's some good news!',Ellie said with relief.
'We'll be able to spend Valentines Day here!', Charles exclaimed with happiness.
Henry looked at him, 'You have someone in mind?'
'Unfortunately no. But I have something else the planned! It's gonna be great!'
Ellie and Henry looked at each other. Ellie's expression told him that she had no clue what Charles was talking about either.
'I guess we'll have to wait and see then.'
The trio separated to do their various tasks around camp.

Burt POV
Burt clicked on his keyboard, making a replica of one of the files that contained their criminal heists. A few more files and all of them would be there. He made a mental note to get out of this stuck-up place as soon as he finished this.
'Burt?', a quiet voice called.
Oh, I forgot Alyssa shows up after everyone is done for the day.
'Hello.', he replied monotonously.
'I'm not..disturbing you, right?'
'No, of course not! What do you have to show me today?'
He looked up with a slight smile.
The shy girl made her way and showed him the picture she had drawn the previous night.
'I got unexpected inspiration last night..'
'It's pretty good Alyssa! You're getting better!'
Burt sensed a slight change in her tone. She was usually an enthusiastic person and here she was being so quiet.
'Is anything wrong?'
The small girl shifted her feet uncomfortably,
'I talked to the chief last night. I offered to help him with his paperwork. That's all.'
Burt got up and touched her shoulder.

'Don't go near him.'

Alyssa looked at him in shock, 'What?'

'Just trust me. Don't go near him. Just listen to me. I don't want anything to happen to you.'

3rd Person POV

Alyssa was confused right now. There was nothing wrong with that poor guy. He just made some bad actions. He didn't even mean to kill Ellie Rose-

Wait. Ellie Rose.

It came to her in a flash.

Those words suddenly made sense to her.
'You were the one who insulted him. You walked away after that, didn't you?'

Burt's eyes widened, 'Wha-?'

'Sven trusted you enough to spill his deepest darkest secret. And instead of listening to the entire story, you just stormed off, didn't you?', Alyssa said with a dangerous tone.

'Alyssa, he killed someone. That's enough for me to lose respect for someone.'

'But you didn't know he had an identity crisis. You didn't know that it completely ruined his life. You didn't know how depressed he became and how it affected everyone around him. And most of all, you didn't know how much he regrets it. It's a miracle he hasn't taken his own life.'

'You don't understand-.'

'I don't understand what? I understand completely fine. What you don't understand are his feelings. I'll be taking my leave now, sir.'

She swiftly grabbed her tablet and walked out. She wasn't angry or anything, she was annoyed as hell.

Burt collapsed in his chair. Girls were weird. He didn't even know where this fight came from. But her words rang in his mind.

'You didn't know he had an identity crisis..'
'You just stormed off didn't you?'
'It's a miracle he hadn't taken his own life...'

He shook his head to forget what happened and went back to his work. The sounds of clicking and tapping were heard once again.

But deep down he knew Alyssa was right. He had been a jerk. He was going to fix what he'd said to him.
So, what do you think? Honestly I think this chapter is a mess. Votes, comments are greatly appreciated!

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