Chapter 17: Trapped

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Alyssa POV

She couldn't do anything other than sit there and try not to panic. She opened her eyes and she saw a white face with ruffled orange hair looking at her from the corner.

'Yo, Calvin! I found one of them here, hiding! She looks tiny, so she won't be a problem.'

Tiny?! The little-

Alyssa got up and backed against the wall. The soldier's identical twin brother also appeared, and they slowly cornered her in.

Oh no...what should I do...

'Okay bro...we corner her and stash her somewhere, and then look for others that might be there.', one said.

'Got it bro.', the other one winked.

Okay but at least make your plan discreet.

She panicked and then ran straight at them and  pushed them apart. She sprinted straight for the entrance and right into the hallway.


'Don't let her warn others!'

She didn't even dare look behind, she was trying to find anyone who she could trust. Any Toppat counted but she need to warn Sven the most. Who knows what Ellie would do to him...

Thankfully she wasn't too far from his and Earrings' room. She could still make it!

She put on a burst of speed and she lost balance, and tumbled down.

She tried getting up but now the twins were very close. Alyssa had only run a few meters before one of them tackled her, pinning her to the ground.

'Ha, gotcha, ya little mischief maker!', he shouted in triumph.

'Konrad, shhhhhh! We don't want to wake up anyone!'

'Right. Sorry Calvin. Give me some rope, and a piece of cloth.'

Alyssa managed to shout, ' LET ME GO YOU LITTLE BI-mmmmmmmmmph!'

She wasn't able to shout the full sentence, since a piece of cloth was tied around her mouth. For some reason she really couldn't make any audible sound with this. Her hands were tied together, and she couldn't move.

'So,', the twin hoisted her up, holding her shoulder tightly. 'Where should we hide this little miscreant?'

'Hmmm...think I saw a cupboard earlier. We can keep her there.'

'Good idea.'

Alyssa struggled and screamed in a muffled voice, but they were soldiers for a reason, because she couldn't budge out of his grip.

The next thing she knew, was being tossed into a cupboard like a sack of cheese, and heard the key turned in the lock.

Whoever stupid Toppat left the key in the lock is going to have a very bad time, if we survive this attack.

She kept banging the cupboard door with her body. She hoped it would be loud enough to wake up any nearby Toppat.

She couldn't believe she was stuck here.

My friends need me! I should be there helping them! But noooooo..I was stupid enough not to go back to the room when I could!

She really wanted to hope Sven was alright and he hadn't been found yet.

She had managed to shake off the handkerchief, and she was able to shout. Thought that might not do much good, since no one seemed to be around.

'Stupid little door, OPEN UP ALREADY!', she shouted in desperation.

Something flashed in the corner of her eye, and she looked to the left to see a sharp knife.

Oooh shiny, looks pretty.

Then she shook her head, forcing herself not to think like that.

Dammit Alyssa, now is NOT the time to think like a kleptomaniac. You need it to free yourself.

She squeezed, and tried to get her hands on the weapon, it was a tight squeeze, turning her shoulder towards the door, but she managed.

After she got the knife in her hand, she cut the ropes, freeing her hand, while also slightly injuring her self.

Then with her other hand, she stabbed the door to make any sort of hole. After about five minutes of stabbing, the door had been damaged enough to break it down. She fell onto the floor, and quickly got to her feet.

Voices echoed form the right of the hallways, seemed like the soldiers had been spotted, and were putting up a fight. It only worried Alyssa more.

She sprinted as fast as she could, knife in one hand.

Oh please please I hope nothing happened to them....



Anyways what do you think would happen?

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