Chapter 25: The End

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3rd Person POV, a few weeks later

A lot had happened in the past few weeks. Henry had found out Sven had been recruited into the military, after a lot of explanations, Henry had stopped fighting with him, though it was still clear that he  didn't like him at all.

Sven, Sabrina and Burt had been given respective positions. Sabrina was given the job of tailoring and mending uniforms. Sven, considering his talent with organizing, was tasked with keeping records and data. Burt was given the post of communication.

Alyssa was going through training to be a helicopter pilot. In about six months, she'd be qualified to fly on missions. Things seemed to be going well.

It was 6:30 in the evening, and the sky glowed with shades of red and yellow. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon.

Alyssa had finished her training for the day, and Henry had asked her where Charles was, for some reason.

"Why do you want him?"

"I have to finish cleaning the tanks, with Charles, because of the prank we pulled on Calvin earlier. Could you find him?"

"Serves you right. I haven't seen him though."

Henry scoffed in annoyance, "Find him, quick. I want to get this over with."

"Alright, alright. I'll go find him."

Alyssa walked all over camp, trying to find him. No sight of him.

"Where could he be..?"

"Hey Alyssa!"

It was Sabrina. She had finished her shift for the day.

"Hey Sabrina. Have you seen Charles? It's important."

Sabrina put her hand up to her chin and hummed in thought,"...Come to think of it, he passed my tent when I was working on a uniform five minutes earlier. He was holding a bunch of flowers, heading that way."

She pointed towards a little path, overgrown with weeds.

Alyssa looked towards there, "Alrighty, thanks Sabby!"

She shouted a response, and Alyssa took off, sprinting in that path. She caught sight of a little figure ahead, with something red on his head.

"Charles!", she shouted.

It was no good, he couldn't hear her. He saw him quickly disappear in the overgrown grass ahead. Alyssa sped up, catching sight of a little patch with wildflowers and weed. It was bordered with an iron fence and a creaky gate. As she got closer and closer, she could see little stones scattered all over the place.

Charles was sitting down in front of three of those stones, and placed the flowers in front of them.

Alyssa then realized with a start that she was at a cemetery. And Charles was probably paying homage to someone he once knew. 

"Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Hi little brother. I'm here, after two weeks. Things have been busy lately at camp..."

His family?!

Alyssa walked up to him silently, until she was right behind him. She gave him a sharp tap on the shoulder and asked,

"Are you okay?"

Charles jumped up in fright and looked behind him quickly. His expression quickly turned to slight relief when he saw it was only Alyssa.

"Alyssa! What are you doing here?! Can't I talk to my family in peace, without one of you Stickmin's stalking me?!"

Alyssa got a bit frightened at his tone and quickly said, "I didn't stalk you! Henry sent me to find you, to help him! That's all!"

Charles facepalmed himself slightly, "Alright, alright, I forgot. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just wanted to talk to my-."

"Your family? What-what happened to them?"

Charles gave her a look.

"..Right. I should go. Okay then. Sorry.", she said quietly.

Either Charles' shock had worn off, or he wanted her to stay wasn't clear but he sat down and tapped the ground next to him, indicating Alyssa to sit.

Alyssa sat down, still a bit frightened.

"The Toppats killed them.", he said quietly

Alyssa looked at him in surprise, "Wh-what?"

"The Toppats killed my family when I was ten."


Charles cut across her, "My Mom was pregnant, and my Dad apparently owed something to them. When they heard that he couldn't pay them, they just shot my parents. I was there, hiding in a closet, and they never found me."

Alyssa was silent, and looked at the ground, feeling a kind of embarassment. She had recruited people of the organization that had taken Charles' family away. If she were Charles she wouldn't like the idea at all. Plus she was a former Toppat. 

"But that doesn't mean I have anything against you."

Alyssa whipped her head around. "What?"

"You didn't kill my family. I only hate the people who kicked down the door and shot my parents without mercy. You didn't do anything. Same goes for the ones you recruited. I was kinda stupid to pick a fight about that."

"No, no! I totally understand! I would've done the same, Charles."

Charles slightly turned red and hugged her, and Alyssa awkwardly returned it, also blushing a bit.

After Charles had let go of her, there was a very awkward silence in the air for what seemed to be forever.

At last Alyssa broke the ice.

"Should...we go help Henry? He still needs to clean those tanks."

Charles slightly smiled, "Yeah, probably, come on Lyssie."

Alyssa  turned pink again at her nickname, "Lyssie. Cute."

"I wasn't trying to be cute. It's just a nickname."

Charles got up, then Alyssa. They walked off together in a strange vibe, like something had clicked between them.

Whatever it was, Alyssa was relieved the whole ordeal had been cleared up. She was just glad to be with her family again.


And they lived happily ever after, for as long as they lived, no issues, had many kids-

Alright I'll stop XD. But the book really is finished tho.

It's been 5 months since I started writing this, and thank you for everyone who read this. It's been so fun!
Love ya!

Peace out
Silver Star

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