Chapter 23: Reconciliation at Last

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Sven POV

Sven glanced at Ellie, who had her arms and crossed and was looking at him with a neutral expression. Good to know she wasn't angry.

He tried to break the silence that was hanging over them.
"So....what did you want to ask, Ellie?"

Ellie stared at him with a skeptical expression, "You know what I want to know, Svensson."


Not Sven anymore...

Just Svensson to her...

Sven scratched the back of his head absentmindedly and avoided eye contact. "I want to know what exactly you're confused about. That's all. I'll answer it and leave you alone."

Ellie walked a little closer to him.

"I want to know exactly what happened that day."

Sven shrugged, still avoiding eye contact, "I guess you deserve to know the truth."

He took a deep breath, "As a small kid, I had multiple personality disorder, basically that meant I had a part of me that could act on its own, without me knowing. Usually it came off as a side effect of having being traumatized as a kid but my case was different. It's also the reason I came to the USA, since my parents kicked me out. Fortunately my sister helped me out, and I was alright for a while."

Ellie's expression softened, "Alright, go on."

Sven continued, "So then I met you, obviously. I didn't want to worry you so I kept it a secret. I thought I could deal with it and in the process, not hurt you. Sabrina tried to make me tell you, but I didn't listen."

"Sven, why would you do something so stupid? I would've tried to help you! Things could've worked out!"

"I didn't want to make you feel worried, or feel scared. So I did the dumb thing: I kept my mouth shut. I think we both know how it ended...."

Ellie was silent.

"I think I was knocked somewhere on my head, because Sabrina told me she'd found me unconscious. I asked her where you were, since I couldn't remember anything that had happened. When she told me she couldn't find you, I realized what I did...."

Sven fell into silence. The feeling of regret and self-hate were coming again. Why was he even born like this? Couldn't he have been a normal person? Was he just there to hurt others?

Ellie came closer and held his hand. 

"Hey. Look at me Sven. It's my fault for overreacting so badly."

Sven looked at her with a confused face. He had forgotten how it was like to hold hands with her.

"Ellie, I don't blame you. It's my fault I was an idiot. But don't you get it? I could've killed you! If not for luck, you would've died-!"

"Sven, listen. You had no control over it. I forgive you."

"Wha- Do you not get it?! I almost killed you! I broke your trust! How can you-?!"

Sven was cut off because Ellie tackled him in a hug.

"Please Sven. Forgive yourself. I know its hard, but you have to forgive yourself for what happened. It's been 3 years. You need to love yourself again. Please? For the sake of me?"

Ellie gave him a pleading look.

Sven replied, "Aren't you with Henry now? Won't he get mad you're hugging me?"

Ellie scoffed, "Eh. I'll explain. You're over me, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I am. No worries."

Ellie let go of him with a kind smile.

"That's alright. Even though it never worked out, you'll find someone one day. And no secrets."

Sven smiled weakly, "I guess so, and yeah. No secrets."

Someone popped their head into the tent.

"You done, Sven?", Burt asked.

"Y-yeah, I guess so, I-I'll be there in a minute-"


He went back outside.

Ellie POV

Ellie looked up at Sven, his face had turned red. It was obvious with his pale skin and blonde hair.

"You have a crush on him?"

Sven looked at her in panic, "WHAT-No! I don't- I really-" he gave a sigh, "Is it that obvious?"

Ellie giggled, "Yup. It is."

"It's not gonna work out...."

"Oh yes it is. Trust me. And we're cool now?", Ellie held out her hand.

Sven shook her hand, "I guess so. We're cool.", he agreed.

Henry POV



I'm sorry to spoil the fun but the book is gonna come to an end soon. Had to say that. Not the next chapter but close! 


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