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It was quiet in the Wilson household, it was because Riley was leaving today

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It was quiet in the Wilson household, it was because Riley was leaving today. Everyone was stepping on eggshells especially around Sam. During the night Riley noticed that he was getting exceptionally clingy during the night, which means Riley woke up with Sam laying mostly on top of him. "You know I'll see you soon right." Even though they didn't have the official orders yet, Riley was right. Their leave was going to be up soon and then they would leave for 6 to 9 months again, then it would be back to the same thing.

"I know, but you know it's not the same. Being together in the desert is not the same as living civilian life here. I know that Lina and Palmer know about us, but we don't know what goes on out there. All it takes is Lina or Palmer video chatting home and a random person sees us kissing in the background and our careers are ruined." Sam huffs laying back on the made bed, Riley had a bag on top of the bed and he was currently rolling his clothes with careful precision. "Hey, it's clear you've thought a lot of the very specific scenery but it's not going to happen."

Riley puts his clothes down and walks closer towards Sam and puts both hands on Sam's shoulders rubbing slightly. "It's going to be okay, if you want we can tell Lina and Palmer about this very odd worry you have and they can start to warn us before they call." Sam shakes his head, he grabs Riley's hand and rubs his fingertips, before bringing them up to his lips and kissing them softly.

"No, don't worry about it. I'm just scared, I had the best time with you and I can't help but this pit in my stomach that something is going to happen." Sam tries to smile at Riley to convince him that he was okay but it came out more like a grimace. "No babe, nothing is going to happen. Both of us will come home safe, okay?" Riley puckers his lips and makes a kissy nose which makes Sam smile shaking his head.

Sam puckers his lips and pecks Riley on his own puckered lips. "Come on, I'll help you pack." Sam playfully slaps Riley on the butt making him scoff loudly. "You are lucky your mother didn't see that." Sam's mouth moves up in disgust at the thought of his mother watching what just happened. "That's gross, get to packing." Sam points to the open duffle bag on the bed.

"Oh, now you want me to leave!" Riley playfully scoffs. The banter continues for an hour or so because it only stops when they hear a knock at the door. "Are you two dressed?" Sarah yells not opening the door yet.

"Yea why would-" Sam says puzzled but then he stops himself when he understands where Sarah is getting at. "SARAH WILSON! How do you even know about that?" Sam walks towards the door and opens it with a stern look at Sarah.

Sarah just looks at him slowly blinking. "I'm 18, I've taken sex ed before." Sam puts his fingers in his ears before Sarah can say anything else. "LA LA LA I can't hear you! Riley grabs your bag. I don't want you to listen to this stuff." Riley does what he was told, but he had an amused smile on his face watching the siblings bicker.

Riley just shakes his head fondly before stepping behind the bickering siblings and walking into the kitchen where Darlene and Paul are standing sipping on some coffee as it was 9 in the morning. "Sorry about them." Darlene apologizes nodding towards Sam and Sarah who were still standing by the stairs annoying each other.

Riley shakes his head in dismissal. "Don't worry about it, My sister and I do it all the time." Riley smiles as he thinks of Robin. "You ready?" Sam asks as he walks up to him.

"Yes, and I promise I will take care of your baby Sam." Riley holds out his hand for Sam to place his car keys in his palm, Sam hesitates for a second before dropping them, Riley closes his hand around the keys and hugs, Sam, tightly.

"I'll call you when I get there okay?" Riley says pulling back from Sam. "Okay, I love you. Be safe."


Riley brushes his hair back with his hands, the seatbelt clicks as he unbuckles to get out of the car. He takes the key of the ignition before opening the door grabbing the duffle bag that was sitting in the passenger seat.

Groaning, Riley slowly walks towards the front door of his house. It's the perfect time to come home because everyone should be home now. "Hi, I'm back," Riley says as he slowly opens the door. "My Baby! How was your trip?" Maricela hugs him tightly barely letting Riley have enough time to walk through the door.

"It was fine Madre, I had the best time with Sam's family. Anything happen while I was gone?" Riley looks between His Mother and Father, he can tell something happened because they have a matching downcast look on their faces. "Riles, you got a letter," Alejandro says carefully.

"Okay? Did you read it?" Riley didn't think they would but it would only explain the look on their face. "No Mijo, we put it on your bed." Riley looked at his parents even more confused, sensing this Alejandro said more. "It was from the United States Government."

Riley's eyes darker, but he instantly plasters a fake happy look on his face for his parent's sake, but even they knew it wouldn't be good. "I'll go check it out, don't worry." Riley pats them on their arms before walking towards the basement door.

He jogs downstairs tossing his duffle bag haphazardly on the ground, he'll deal with that letter. He instantly sees the unopened letter on his bed.

Gulping Riley grabs the letter and tears it open, tossing the envelope on the floor, another thing he'll have to deal with later he quickly scans the letter until he finds it.

You've been deployed.

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