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Riley wiped the sweat that beaded above his brow, he was getting ready to take off on a solo mission

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Riley wiped the sweat that beaded above his brow, he was getting ready to take off on a solo mission. He was tasked with rescuing a teacher named Hadiya Hakim, the school she opened and taught at was bombed and everyone got out but they noticed that since the bombing she hasn't been found which is where Riley comes in. "You ready for this?" Sam asks as he clasps the backpack full of medical supplies to Riley's wingsuit. "I mean, I have to be right. I'll be fine." It ached Riley to not be able to promise Sam that he'll be safe but they both knew that promises can't be kept in the military because anything could happen.

"I'm counting on it." Riley could tell that Sam was itching to grab his hand or even kiss him, just do something to Riley that shows him that Sam loves him but Riley doesn't need to be shown, because he already knows that. "Hey, I'll be fine dumbasser." Riley nodded at Sam who was now facing him to make sure the straps were tight. Riley could feel Sam pause his motions over Riley's heart, just to feel it. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Riley and he knew it was meant romantically but anyone who didn't know would just think it was just Sam making sure everything was straight. "Right, I think you're ready," Sam said loud enough to catch the attention of the people around them as he stepped back away from Riley.

Riley nodded at Sam giving him a gentle smile before looking to his left at Palmer who gave him a thumbs up which gave Riley the okay. He took a deep breath before he looked at the controls on his wrist, he yanked his arms back quickly and he heard the wings expand from behind him. People around him spread out as he started to run, he heard the jet pack turn on, and soon he was steady in the air. He could hear Palmer sending him instructions on where the school was so he headed that way.

He had hoped that he could hear Sam's voice but he knew that deep down that would distract him too much from the mission, Riley didn't know how long he's been flying but he saw the collapsed school in the distance. He tapped on his wrist to talk into the comms. "I see the school, I'll update you when I can." Riley clicked off the comms as he started to get lower towards the ground.

His feet slid as they reached the sand, he clicked his wrist, and his wings folded into a wingsuit. "Hello, I'm Riley Diaz. I've been sent by the military to help get Hadiya Hakim safe." Riley said to the translator who had walked up to him when he touched down. "Yes, over here." The translator said leading Riley towards the school. "Can you ask them what room they last saw her in?" Riley asks the translator who nods and turns to repeat what Riley just asked.

While he's doing that Riley shrugs the medical bag off his wingsuit and places it on the ground letting it rest against a rock. "They said she was last seen in the northwest part of the school." The translator pointed to the place Riley needs to go. Instead of replying Riley nods his thanks and taps on his wrist to let Palmer know that he's still alive.

He carefully walks around the rubble to the back of the school until he reaches the spot Hadiya was last seen. "Hadiya?" Riley shines a light into the rubble as he listens to see if he can hear a voice replying. "Hadiya?" Riley tries again, and this time he gets a reply. Riley's eyes widen as he pulls the rocks away to reveal Hadiya, Riley couldn't see any injuries but he carefully bent down and picked her up, she flinched but she relaxed when she saw his rank insignia patch.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her from the rubble and started to walk her around the school to where the rest of the village was waiting. "We can take it from here." The translator said as someone took Hadiya from his hold. "Are you sure?" Riley asks raising an eyebrow and grabbing the medical bag from the ground. "Yes, it would bring her more comfortable if she was treated by our doctor." The man nodded at Riley who strapped the medical bag to his wingsuit.

He bid his goodbye before his wings released, ran and he heard the jet pack start. Soon he was in the air, he chuckled slightly as he heard cheers from the people below as he took off. Riley tapped his wrist and started to speak into the comms. "Hadiya is safe, I'm on my way back." He clicked the comms off as he glided through the air towards the camp. He never knew how free it feels to be up in the sky flying through the air, Riley knows this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and he can't believe he gets to be a part of it along with the man he loves.

As soon as his feet touch the sand Sam is the first one to run towards him, Riley watches as he sighs in relief. He can see how much Sam wanted to kiss him but he resisted and started to help Riley take his wingsuit off. "How'd it go?" Palmer asked as he walked up towards the two men. "Good, I offered to help after I found her but they declined. The translator said she would feel more comfortable seeing her own doctor which I couldn't argue with." Riley chuckled as he watched Sam unbuckle the straps that go around his chest.

"Go to your tent once Sam helps get your wingsuit off, you deserve to take a load off." Palmer patted him on the shoulder before he walks towards his tent as one of the other officers carries the box that contains Riley's wingsuit. "You sure you're okay?" Sam sighs as he walks next to Riley towards their tent. "I am, I promise."


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