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Riley wiped his face with a towel when he felt the sweat drip into his eyes, he felt the heat from the sun beat against his skin

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Riley wiped his face with a towel when he felt the sweat drip into his eyes, he felt the heat from the sun beat against his skin. Grabbing the water bottle he took a long sip, he resisted pouring it all over his face instead he opted for closing the bottle back on tightly. Letting out a sigh he lets rests his body weight on his knees and looks up to the sky, he doesn't pray but he feels the need to for the first time since they got the Falcon's Sam was called on a singular mission which meant that Riley had to stay back at the base.

It was supposed to be an easy supply drop but that still didn't ease Riley, so much can happen and Riley might not even know if something did. Riley broke his promise which was to not leave Sam's side. What Sam didn't know was after His Aunt TT passed away Riley has begun sending his own letters to Sam's family, just being more honest about what Sam is going through because he knows Sam won't. Riley does leave out the gory details of course but they're worried about him and they know he isn't okay even though he tries to act okay through his letters. The saving grace is that Sam has his necklace, he knows that if Riley can't keep Sam safe the necklace will.

Riley jumps when he feels something hit his back, he grabs the gun that's strapped to his back and turns to face whoever it was. His shoulders relax when he sees it's just Lina she looks at Riley wide-eyed and the one that isn't holding a pastry that she got from home is lifted in an upward manner showing Riley she means no harm. "Sorry, you spooked me." Riley slid the gun so it was resting on his back. "My fault, some company sent us free blankets and Thatcher wants us to hold them up and send them a photo." Riley wrinkles his nose as he grabs the plastic bag that Lina threw at him, he rips it open and his nose turns up. "Why do they always think we want camo? And it's not even the good kind either." Riley frowned before folding it back up and internally cringing at the scratchy texture. Lina shrugged and walked towards Riley before sitting next to him. "You call your partner weird for sleeping on rocks but why don't we call you weird for sitting on the ground when we have perfectly good seating." Lina points to the chairs that were more like a stone around a firepit. "What can I say, we both like comfort." Riley sticks his tongue out at her before carefully standing up with the blanket under his arm.

Riley walks towards his tent with Sam and he tosses the blanket onto his cot before making his way towards Sam's cot and laying on it, he folded his hands and put them on top of his chest before staring at the ceiling, he didn't notice his eyes shut but he opened them quickly when he heard the distinct flap of their tent opening. He jumped up and grabbed the gun that he had placed on the floor before laying down, he lowered it when he noticed who it was. "Whoa, it's just me," Sam said with a chuckle before putting his arms down and walking towards Riley who let out a shaky sigh and got up quickly before hugging Sam tightly.

He knew he should be worried about someone seeing but Riley didn't care, he's missed his boyfriend. He didn't know if he was going to see him again and that was a thought that haunted Riley. "Hey someone might be watching," Sam said but he made no move to get out of the hug, in fact, he wrapped his arms around Riley and hugged him back. "I don't care," Riley muttered muffled by the fact that his face was in Sam's neck, in fact, Riley squeezed tighter just for that comment. "Knock knock," Lina said giving them a warning before she stepped into the tent, they sprang apart but you can tell that Riley wasn't happy about it.

"I came to take pictures for the blanket thing, so Sam here is your and Riley go grab yours and grab it out of the packaging and act like you like it," Lina said with a smirk before handing Sam that plastic-covered blanket. Sam winced as he got it out of the packaging but when Riley walked over with his that was out of the package they held it theirs up, they gave fake smiles but Lina deemed it good enough so she snapped a photo and set it aside from the polaroid picture. "Okay, why don't you toss those blankets on the cot I want to get a photo of you two before you look at me worried it's only going to you so no one else can get it unless they snoop through your stuff." Riley pressed his lips together and looked at Sam concerned but he shrugged and nodded looking at Lina.

He grabbed the blanket that Riley was holding and placed them both of Riley's cot so they would be out of shot since the backdrop would be Sam's cot, Riley glanced to make sure the tent was closed and when it was he gave a slight nod to Lina who resisted the urge to cheer. Sam smirked and put his arms around Riley before kissing him on the lips, Riley chuckled into the kiss and squinted when the flash of the camera went off but they didn't separate. "I love you," Sam murmured against Riley's lips. "I love you too," Riley said before reluctantly pulling back away from the man.

"Here you go cuties," Lina says shaking the picture before handing it to Riley, she kisses their cheeks before patting them on the shoulder and walking out of the tent with her camera in hand. "Do you want to keep this?" Riley turns to Sam holding the photo out for him to take but he shakes his head. "You keep it, I got your necklace after all." Sam thumbs the necklace that was still under his shirt before he gives Riley a parting kiss on the cheek before going over to his own cot, Riley smiles goofily before placing the photo in a safe spot.

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