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The EXO-7 Falcon wasn't as scary as Riley thought it would be, of course, the first couple times he went in the air during practice he screamed but he will deny that until the day he dies but now that he's gotten the hang of it he likes it

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The EXO-7 Falcon wasn't as scary as Riley thought it would be, of course, the first couple times he went in the air during practice he screamed but he will deny that until the day he dies but now that he's gotten the hang of it he likes it. It's freeing to be up in the air with Sam, they, of course, have comms connected to base camp and the helicopter where they launch from but with a press of a button Riley can only talk to Sam and vice versa so they have their private channel.

Sam's had set some rules though because during the beginning Riley would like to say dirty things in Sam's ear which would cause him to veer off course during flying practice and carefully crash so Sam put a ban on any flirty remarks so they wouldn't get distracted from their jobs but that doesn't mean Riley doesn't make flirtatious remarks anyway even though Sam complains about it. "You look hot in those pants," Riley says to Sam after he presses the button so they can be in a private channel, they were soaring through the sky on a medic mission. Between the two of them, they had to patch the injured which was a woman named Fadia, and take her back to base camp until it was safe to move her. "Are you serious Riles? What did I say?" Riley couldn't see Sam but he knew that if they were on the ground Sam would have his hands on his hips looking at Riley scoldingly. "I'm sorry, but you do." Riley didn't sound sorry at all, and that was his intention.

Sam huffed and Riley heard a click telling him that Sam had switched channels so the base camp could hear them now. Riley rolled his eyes but let it go, he stayed silent as they landed a few feet away from the bombed village they don't know who did it but it wasn't them to Riley and Sam's knowledge at least but they both know that it wouldn't be the first time.

Riley pushed a button mirroring Sam and they watched as their wings folded in on themselves on their back, even though they've both been working with them for a little bit they're still amazed by the technology and the fact that the giant wings can fit into a little back that's strapped to their backs. "Okay, the report said that Fadia was in a torn-down building. She's been trapped for a couple of days, they tried to move her but that couldn't. The last report was an hour ago and they said that she lost consciousness but she's still breathing." Sam said, he added on the last part quickly when he saw the questioning look on his face that turned into a grimace at the thought of Fadia dying. "Do they have a translator?" Riley asked hiking the medical bag upon his back more so it doesn't slip off. "Yes, they said he's going to meet us at the edge of the town. He'll bring us to her and then we can decide the best way to transport her."

Riley rubbed his hands together before nodding, Sam had a gun in his hand just in case they run into trouble but they shouldn't because it was the middle of the day and the job was already done so they wouldn't come back for seconds, right? Doubt begins to slip into Riley's mind but he shakes his head when he starts to see the torn-down buildings on the horizon.

When they got closer they could see a man nervously looking around which told Riley that, that man was the translator. "Hello, I'm Sam Wilson, and that's Riley Diaz. We were told you would be expecting us." Sam said as they got closer, he put the gun down but not completely just in case. "Yes, yes. Follow me." The man's eyes lit up with up and he gestured for the two of them to follow him.

Riley's heart broke at what he saw, that's when he knew he couldn't do this anymore after this. This was going to be his last tour, he was done being around destruction and hurt. He was harshly pushed out of his thoughts by Sam hitting him harshly in the shoulder. "Ow." Riley's complaint died on his lips when he saw all the faces of the expant people who were gathered around the hurt woman looking at him for him to save her.

Riley let out a deep breath before gently pushing aside the people so he can squat next to the woman, he placed two fingers on her pulse and was pleased to still find it. "She still has a pulse, I need you to hold this." Riley looked through his bag and grabbed the bag of saline handing it to Sam who pushed his gun on his back and held the bag, Riley sighed before gently grabbing the woman's arm and palpating it before grabbing the needle that was attached to the saline bag.

Sam and Riley have been working together for so long that Riley didn't need to instruct him to take the paper off of the needle, he just did it automatically which made Riley's heart weep inside but he shook his head and focused on Fadia who was still under the rubble. "We need to get this off of her, quickly." Riley nodded towards Sam and the translator who snapped his fingers and the people who were around her started to stand up.

Sam handed the bag to Riley so he held it and watched as slowly one by one they got the rubble off of the woman. It was perfect timing because her eyes started to flutter. After all, she was getting fluid back, she looked around and started to panic but before Riley could say anything the translator started to calm her down with a soft smile, Riley knew the look he had on his face. It was the same one he gave Sam, which meant Riley knew this job was going to be a lot harder if they didn't get Fadia to safety soon.         


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