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After getting woken up by Sam's dad, the couple is sprawled out on the couch cuddling

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After getting woken up by Sam's dad, the couple is sprawled out on the couch cuddling. "You know Riley, you're lucky that you came now and not in August," Sarah says smirking sipping her tea. "Don't you dare!" Sam warns as Riley adjusts to get a better look at Sarah.

"What happens in August?" Riley asks ignoring the poke that Sam gave him in his stomach, suddenly Sarah's smirk grew and she leaned on the chair of the chair clasping her hands together out in front of her. "The Wilson Family games."

Before Riley can inquire about it anymore Paul walked in from the kitchen, he sat in a worn-out recliner, the seat popped as the footrest popped out quickly. "That's his chair," Sam whispers to Riley in his ear, Riley turned towards Sam and smiled. "This is nice." Sam squeezes the hand he's holding and pulls Riley in for him to lay on his chest again, which he does.

"What were you guys talking about before Daddy came into the living room?" Darlene asks walking into the living room handing Paul a drink of some sort. "Don't you dare Sarah!" Sam yelled but Riley didn't see any anger, so that told him he was only teasing.

"I was about to tell Riley here about the Wilson Family games." Sarah smiled sweetly, Darlene's eyes light up while Sam groaned in frustration. "Sorry baby, you're in for a long day," Sam said kissing Riley behind his ear, he pulled Riley closer and put his head on Riley's shoulder.

Darlene clapped her hands and paused the television which made Paul groan. "Honey, I was watching that." Darlene smiled sweetly before slowly taking a sip of her tea. "You can watch it later, now where was I." Riley opened his mouth to remind her when she snapped her fingers and started picking up where she left off. "Oh right, I was about to tell you about the games."

Darlene turned so she was facing Riley and Sam, Riley is thoroughly enjoying this because he knows it's going to embarrass the shit out of Sam. "So the Wilson Family games was started by Paul's father in the 60s, it was a way to get all the Wilson Clan together and socialize now it's smaller but we have 6 rounds and we have teams. So I am on Paul's team, whoever Sarah is dating would be on Sarah's team and you would be on Sam's team, with me so far?"

Riley slowly nods, this was a lot more complicated than he thought it would be. "Each team would consist of only two people, the Wilson family member, and their partner. Then whichever team wins get's the trophy. You also get a cash prize as well, the trophy is traded off to whoever wins that year." Riley looks around the house and he couldn't see it so he decides to ask.

"Who won last year?" Behind him, he can feel Sam's tenses. "TT did, I swear she cheated though because it was just perfect timing that she happened to date a linebacker?" Paul shakes his head in dismissal. "I'm telling you, Paulie, I did not cheat. I don't cheat on anything." A new voice joins them, then Riley hears the clicking of heels throughout the kitchen before the woman in question is standing in the doorway.

"Well, howdy. You must be Sam's boyfriend." Tamera looks straight at Riley, he shivers slightly. He feels like she's starring into his soul. "Nice to finally meet you, Sam has told me a lot about you." Riley stands up and holds out his hand, she looks at the hand before giving him a puzzled look. "I don't do that," Tamera says smiling, suddenly she hugs Riley tightly, his hands are out by his side's, he slowly hugs her back only then she finally let's go.

"Please, call me TT I hate Tamera." TT slips her heels off before sitting next to Sarah which Riley only now realized was big enough for two people. "Didn't know you were coming today TT, we just got in last night," Sam says when Riley walks back over to him sheepishly, he felt awkward and out of place now. "Well, I couldn't help it. I heard that you guys were telling Riley that I cheated, that's certainly not correct Samuel, I would never cheat Riley." TT winks at Riley making him smile. "Oh, Haven't known you for long TT but I already know you would never cheat," Riley says making Paul burst out laughing, Riley was a little worried the comment would make Paul offended but the laugh and the affection squeeze he got from Sam told him that he did well.

"So, do you have any funny stories about Sam when he was little?" Riley smirked when Sam loudly protested. "Oh I have a great one, so Sam was about 9 or 10. He loved rocks-" Riley cut TT off when he heard her mention. "Wait, did you say rocks?" TT nods laughing. "Oh my god, tell me more." Riley leaned up in rapt attention.

"So as I was saying He loved rocks, so he would collect them all the time." Beside him, Sam groaned tightening his arms around Riley's waist and hiding his face in his back. "It got bad that Darlene and I would have to cut his clothes before one of us did laundry because Samuel here stuck them into his pants pocket, and he would never tell us. One day I didn't cut them beforehand." Riley put his hand over his mouth, he already figured out where this was going.

"Yea, the rocks took a trip to the laundry, I heard this clacking sound so I went into the laundry room to check it out and I found the rocks loose so I took them out. Well about that time Sam came running in and he saw the rocks on top of the washer and started crying."

Riley used his hand to muffle his laughter that was coming out. He felt Sam say something against his back. "What was that babe?" Riley says between bouts of laughter. "I thought you killed them TT." Sam shakes his head stuffing it back into Riley's back to protect him from the shame, it didn't work. "He did think I killed them because he would talk to me for a week and he hardly ever played with rocks again." Sam huffed and rubbed his face leaning back again.

"I thought the rocks would hate me because I allowed them to get killed." Sam tries to be serious but he breaks out into a smile. "Ahh, my rock boy." Riley would never let Sam live this down, he had an obsession with Rocks and he couldn't wait to tell everyone in their squad.

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