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Sam let out a sigh as he walked through his hotel door, he started to yank at the tie that was around his neck

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Sam let out a sigh as he walked through his hotel door, he started to yank at the tie that was around his neck. It suddenly like felt it was choking him, he tossed it on the bed so he can pick it up later. He had just gotten home from the funeral, they had a closed casket because the body was burned that no one should have to see it. Sam didn't even see it but Palmer did, when they recovered the body after Sam came home with only Khalid, Palmer sent out a rescue team and they found him along with Casey's body.

Palmer identify the body as Riley and the whole unit was on the next flight to Texas to have the funeral, Sam was offered Riley's bedroom at the Diaz house but he declined. He didn't want to impose in their life more than he already has, he's the reason Riley's gone.

Sam went into the bathroom and splashed some water onto his face before he started to take his shirt off, he paused when he saw the cross necklace still hanging from his neck. He gulped as he stepped out of the bathroom and sat on his bed next to his tie, he glanced at the desk and saw the letter that Palmer had given him. Sam knew what it was without Palmer needing to say anything, it was addressed to him and it was be opened in the case of Riley's death, which has come.

The rest of Riley's effects went to Riley's parents and sister, they asked Sam if he wanted any of it but he said he wasn't ready, and they understood. Truthfully, Sam doesn't know if he can ever look at anything Riley owned ever again. He had his own pile back at his parents in Lousiana but he planned on boxing them up as soon as he got there. Sam didn't notice that his hand was drifting towards the necklace again, he scrubbed a hand over his face and grabbed the necklace as tight as he can and ripped it from his neck, Sam knew it was a weak necklace. He's witnessed Riley breaking the chain enough to know that but it still didn't hurt any less as the rip burned his neck.

He reached behind and rubbed the back off his neck as he tossed the necklace behind him onto the bed, Sam suddenly wished that he didn't have the necklace. It was Riley's good luck charm after all and now he's dead. Sam didn't believe in superstition but maybe Sam would start after what happened.

Sam looked at the necklace like he was hoping it would catch on fire, but it never did. He knew that he had to read it some time even if he didn't want to. Sam groaned as he stood up knees aching from kneeling on the sand for too long, as he picked up the letter he saw his minorly burned hands from when he gripped the hot sand. He breathed out as he ignored his hands and sat down to read the letter.

'Hey Dumbasser' Sam read, his lip wobbled but he scrubbed a hand over his face to try and will his emotions away, he was tired of crying, it felt like he's done enough of it lately to fill a small swimming pool. 'If you're reading this, I'm dead. If I'm dead it's probably my fault which I'm sorry about but you know I would rather get hurt than watch you get hurt.'

'I think I always knew I would die this way, I didn't want to of course. I have dreamed of living with you and raising our kids. (when I'm writing this you currently aren't talking to me but I'm sure that will change ;)) I'm sorry that I couldn't you give that, and hey now you can get that tattoo you wanted to get.

Jokes aside, I know that you're sad and you think I'm not here because I'm dead but that's wrong because I'll always be watching you from Heaven. I don't want to see you for a long time, you know I'll be mad if you follow me. I want to watch you live your life and get out of the Air Force, do what I couldn't. Do what I'm trying to do for us, I know you're destined for great things Samuel Thomas Wilson.

I love you, and I will always be your Dumbass.'
- Riley 

Sam didn't know that he was crying until a tear hit the paper, he sniffed and folded the letter up before putting it back into the envelope, he grabbed the broken necklace behind him and carefully placed it into the envelope. As much as he hated the sight of it right now, he couldn't part with it.

He carefully folded the envelope over and walked over to his suitcase, he let out a shaky breath as he tucked it under his clothes. He didn't want to look at it knowing what happened because he'll have to live without his best friend for the rest of his life.


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Wow, I'm evil and Buffy can confirm

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Wow, I'm evil and Buffy can confirm.
I literally cried writing this so I ruined everyone's life :) (but mainly Sam's)

This might be the end of Riley's life (lol) and 'You Were The First' but you might see the other characters again.
I hope you enjoyed this sad af book and I'm sorry for the amount of tissue it required :)

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