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We Stan my weird pictures on my phone I'll probably put these type of pictures on every chapter 🕺I'm also writing this on a rock on a beach ANYWAYS MOVING ON

Your POV:
I ran to my apartment to get my motorcycle (yes you have a motorcycle) so I can go to my dads and pick yu up on the way past. I opened the door and seen my dogs lilo and stitch (stitch is my actual dogs name and I've always wanted a girl dog to call lilo)
I gave them their food and got my keys, I ran back out and went to the garage and got my motorbike

Time skip to getting back to karasuno*
I parked my bike up and seen noya talking with ukai so I shouted him over "AYE SHITHEAD GET ON I NEED TO TALK TO DAD ABT MY SUSPENSION ALSO BYE PRETTY BOY SEE YOU TOMORROW" "BYE I GUESS" laughed.
"Safety first" I put the helmet on yu's head and before I drove off I gave ukai a wave and he waved back.

Soon we got home and I parked my bike up and walked through the door. "HEY DAD YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON IS HOME" yu glared at me and went upstairs.
Dad walked out the kitchen and was surprised, "ki, why are you here?not that I don't want you here". I gave him a hug and told him to go sit down while I make him some tea. While I was making tea I told him what had happened, I was kinda shocked that he understood but maybe not the extra punches but he looked past it. "Since your suspended for a month was it?" I nodded "can you come over for dinner a few nights each week yu has missed you and so have I" I smiled "yea of course I was talking to has good looking coach coach today and he said I can stay and watch them play and help the, because I'm a professional" dad laughed, "so you have a thing for his coach" , "I mean of course that man is ATTRACTIVE" . After my rant on how good looking ukai was we started talking about what I've missed and what's been happening, I went up to yu's room to see if he was okay. "Hey yu you awake ?" He looked over at me and smiled "yea, hey is it okay if I stay at yours tonight I wanna see the dogs" I laughed "yea just tell dad first okay and we'll get food on the way tell me if there's anywhere you wanna go."

Dad said yes to yu for coming to my place and he told me there was a shop that sells meat buns and other picky stuff to eat so I agreed and he told me where to go. We got on my bike and drove to the shop. "hey when we get to the shop theres gonna be a surprise okay" i was kinda confused but i went along with it. It wasnt that far from the house so it didnt take long, we got off the bike and started walking into the shop laughing from a story yu told me about tanaka. "welcome to my sho- oh hey" my laughing stopped from me recognising the voice i turned to see mr fucking pretty boy. i grabbed yu's arm and pulled him out the shop "umm okay". "really shortie WHYYYY" he laughed "why not its quite obvous you find my coach attractive." i thought about it for a minute, "stop using that stupid brain of yours and get the damn food." "fine fine"

we walked back into the shop and we apologised and asked for some food and he got it for us. while we were waiting for our food i started thinking about how stressed ukai must be so i kinda want to help him in some way. soon he came back with the food, "hey ukai arent you stressed with coaching and running a shop?" he looked at me confused, "im only asking because ive go a month off work and i can always give you an extra hand if your stressing to much?"he looked kid of happy on what i just said," thanks akina ill think about it okay, maybe you can help out at the gym and give the boys some pointers or help the two girls with putting things away after practice." i smiled at him "yea thats sounds fine if you need help with the shop just say and ill come over ive got nothing else to do except for look after this one and my dogs, anyways heres my number so just text me if you need anything" he smiled at me ad i smiled back, "thank you akina, it means a lot." you welcome pretty boy ill see you tomorrow im looking after him for a few days." we started walking away and he shouted bye to us.
I was getting in my bike when yu said, "deffo flerting." I laughed and got on the bike and drove off

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now