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We don't talk about the picture....😀

As soon as we got home me and yu put on a random film on and ate on the couch. "Hey kina?" I look over at yu and smiled "what's up shortie" he gave me an annoyed glare then said, "can we go see mum tomorrow after practice" I looked at him for a minutes and told him yes, me and my mum didn't get along well especially because I became an athlete and she said that it was oNlY fOr bOyS NO BITCH FUCK STEREOTYPES. Moving on, my mum wasn't a very nice woman , constantly putting people down, being unfaithful to my dad oh there divorced now, she always favoured yu not that I care he can see our mum if he wants it doesn't bother me in any way except if she insults someone or something I love.

Halfway through the movie yu had fell asleep so I went to the spare room and took the covers and put them on him. I can hardly get to sleep without distractions but tonight not even a distraction could put me to sleep so I was thinking abt going on a drive. There was always this one place I loved, a tall Sakura tree where me and my friend haru used to hang out before he left I've always been at peace there, slept there a couple of times too. We decorated the tree with little butterflies dangling off the branches okay hold up why am I getting a whole ass flashback tf

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a ringing, I looked at my phone in confusion. " Ukai?" I answered the phone, "hey" I smiled slightly ,"hey what's up" I heard him light up a cigarette then say, "are you doing anything right now?" I laughed a little, "no but I am somewhere, you wanna come and see it's really cool" he chuckled , "yea sure just text me where and I'll be there in a few" 'yea bitch' I screamed internally, okay I'll see you in a bit pretty boy drive safe", CALL ENDED🤸‍♀️

I calmed myself down after a few minutes and decided to put my head phones in for a little while i wait for ukai to arrive. Harness your hopes by pavement came on and i couldnt help but hum the song the turned into me singing it, "tell a word that rhymes with pavement, and i wont kill your parents and roast them on a spit-" of course he arrived at that moment, "should i hide my parents oorrr," his laugh was so adorable what the fuck god please help me even though ik you hate me. "you  show up at the worst time i swear and no you dont....unless" we both looked at eachother for a few seconds the we pulled the fuckboy face at eachother at the same time, i couldnt hold my laughter in and neither could he we both fell into a fit of laughter, "stop ima pisss myself in a minute keishin," he laughed even harder, "dont piss on me piss baby," fuck what is this man doing to me.

after a good ten minutes of us making eachother laugh even harder we calmed down and wiped the tears from our eyes. " okay time to actually say hello." i walked over and hugged him, i could tell e was shocked at first then hugged me back. "What is this place exactly" i pulled my head out of his neck tand looked and smiled at him. i sat down under the tree, "come sit," he walked over and sat next to me on the tree," so what are the butterflies for?"i starred for a minute then smile, " me and my friend would come here everyday after school and if we ever needed to rant i guess we wrote them on a butterfly we made and hung them from the tree." he smiled at me," mind if i had a look at a few of them?" i got up and looked for one that he might like," ooo i remember this one, here" he took it from my hand and started reading it out loud, "today (random name) was being such a bitch so yk what did yk whats coming my guy.....i slapped her :)" we both started laughing and kept reading one for the rest of the night.


i was in the middle of one of her stories when a heard soft snores coming from next to me . i smiled slightly and pulled two blankets over us while they slept. God Akina what are you doing to me we've known each other for years but never talked but now we have met again and what is it like two days ago now and i already feel like I like you. " goodnight akina" i felt her head fall on my shoulder, it made me jump a little but I relaxed and i felt my eyes get heavy and like that i was asleep with the person i may potentionally grow to love.

*okay sorry if i dont update on this a lot i mosly do this at night so im sorry if my spelling is horrific ,so i hope you enjoyed it*

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now