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I started to wake up when i realised i wasnt at home and i was lying on...something no someone ? i looked up and seen ukai fast asleep and smiled, i picked up all the the butterflies we left on the ground and hung them back o the tree. "morning akina" ukai rubbed his eyes and started to get up, " oh hey ukai sleep well?" he gave me a hug it kinda but i hugged him back ,"yea i did actually its either the tree is really comfy or its because your here," i laughed and he laughed with me ,"yea okay prince charming, OH SHIT WHAT TIME IS IT" ukai grabbed is phone out of his pocket and swear i could hear him say 'shit' , "hey what time is it" he looked up " its 8:30 " my eyes widened ," AH SHIT FUCK NUGGETS GET ON MY BIKE WE ARE GOING TO GET YUU RQ" I started pulling him over to my bike, " wait didnt you bring your car?" he smiled at me," nope i only live down the road so i just walked" i opened the seat of my bike and got another helmet for him. i put it on his head and look at him while while i was putting straps on (i hate that this sounds dirty to me i apologise ANYWAYS BACK TO UKAI) and i swear i could see a little blush on his cheeks, "is big man keishin ukai blushing hmm?" i teased him a little before getting on my bike, " shut up i bet i can make you blush," i smirked and so did he, " are you challenging me mr coach ukai," he walked right over to the bike and put his hands on either side of me and said, "hmm idk...maybe i am" i then got and idea, i pulled his chin in a little making him think that i was gonna kiss him. And this dickhead fell for it, i pushed his head away and i started laughing, your such a bitch you know that akina." i turned and smirked a litte, " a lot of people say that but i guess im your bitch huh." he got on the back of my bike and this bitch whispered in my ear, " yea you are" he better stop ill crash my bike if i start driving. " alright now im your bitch can we go now and no doing that shit while im driving because i will crash and i still need to get yuu."

After that whole thing we finally started driving to my apartment, " hey akina are your droppng me off at my place?" oh shit yea, " is it okay if i drop you at my place we can always head over to the shop after ive dropped yuu off if not i can just drop you off but id have to turn back," he held onto my waist a little tighter, " noo no its okay i need a little help in the shop anyway," i need to drive a little faster so i could get to the house quicker, " hold on bitch we're gonna go a.... uhm a bit faster..heheh" he squeezed me tighter, " dont go to f-fa-AST," i started laughing and just went faster, i hope their aren't any police around here oh well, " AKINA YOU CRAZY BITCH" i smirked but i knew he couldnt see it, "live a little smokey we're nearly there" after a few more minutes we got their and pulled ukai upstairs. i slammed open the door ." YUU NISHINOYA LETS GO" i heard someone scream heh yuu. He soon came walking down with the dogs, " jesus ki whyd you have to be so loud- wait coach? dude are you with my coach not cool big sis" now this made me go red and ukai started laughing, "W-what n-NO" yuu started laughing, " i was messing with you i dont care, and if you two got together i would see you more." i smiled at him and told him we needed to go, " hey ukai ill be back in a bit make yourself comfortable oh and the dogs will jut mind their buisness," and with that i ran full speed down the stairs while pulling yuu.

After a good 10 minutes of speeding down the road, we got to karasuno (sorry if i spelt it wrong) and we were actually on time, " alright have a good day okay, have you got money for food im sorry i didnt make you any ill explain later, he took off and smiled at me ," its fine ki, and i already know you were at the sakura tree with coach OKAY BYE OH SHIT ALSO SAEKO IS PICKING UP TANAKA LATER" wait saeko? HELL YEA I LOVE THAT BITCH. I got back on my bike and went home to see ukai.

* time skip babyyyy*

me and kei went to the shop after i came home and i helped him with the stock, and now im helping the boys team with their recieves. i took all the first years while keishin helped the 2nd and 3rd years. " alright boys first you bend your knees and hold your hands together like your holding someone elses and look straight for the ball, but when the ball comes in contact you pull up so it doesnt just go straight forward but it will go upwards" ( also sorry if i explained tis wrong im just going on observations) i got kageyama to set and hinata to spike while i recieved. The boys did what they do best and i did what i did best, i kept my eye on the ball and bent down and put my hands together, soon the ball came in contact with me hands and i pushed upwards that burning sensation felt amazing, ive missed it a hell of a lot.

*time skip*
After practice me and all the boys were helping kiyoko and yachi out with putting everything away then I heard the doors slam open like I did when I first got here. I KNOW WHO IT IS BITCH. "SAEKO IS THAT YOU, YOU BIG TIDDIE MF" I turned around and smiled at the tall blonde , " AKINA WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE YOU TINY LITTLE GET OVER HERE" I ran right over to her and jumped on her back. "What's going on my guy how's life" I hugged her and said, " yea it's pretty good I get to stay with that hottie for a month and a half" saeko turned and looked at me in confusion , " wait why only a month?" I laughed a little, "yea I kinda punched one of the coaches bc he touched me when I didn't want it" suddenly her face went dark. "Name age address date of birth so I know what to put on their gravestone" we all fell into a fit of laughter, " hey we'll do that later and we can plot a whole ass murder plan" I looked at keishin and he looked concerned, " you scare me sometimes you know" I jumped off Saeko's back and smirked , " fear me babyyyyy" 

After saeko came me,ukai, takeda and saeko went out drinking for the rest of the night since it was Friday. Bro bad idea because I had a raging hang over the next morning and why the fuck is everyone in my house :D

Than I realised, "SHIT I GOTTA SEE MY MUM TODAY,"I woke everyone up and kicked them out and when I tell you I went right over the speed limit, I meant it I nearly crashed a few times with yuu on the back. Soon enough we got there and walked him to the door and knocked. We waited a few seconds before the bitch answered. "Oh hey yu- what are you doing here."

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now