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*okay before I start let's pretend this club lets u smoke okay😻 okay good anyway I'm listening to lady gaga love game while I'm writing this bc ITS FUCKING LADY GAGA AND I WOULD 100% PLAY THIS ON REPEAT IF I WAS A DJ. K that's enough bye bye my lovelies enjoy:)*

*in the club👺*
We got to the bar and I immediately asked for shots bc WHY NOT WHAT A WAY TO START THE NIGHT. Ukai laughed and took his shot with me, he got a fag out of his pocket and lit it up. This gave me the bright idea of taking it. After he took drag, I walked over to him and leaned in close and smirked. He got all flustered and I took the chance to take it out of his hand, "yk smoking is bad love" I then took a drag and blew it in his face and smiled. "He went from being a flustered to an evil grin on his face. He slowly wrapped his arms around around my waist and leaned to my ear and said, " you're such a tease yk akina nishinoya" and kissed my neck once and pulled away. Istg all the blood in my body raced to my face, AND HE JUST LAUGHED AND TOOK THE CIG BACK AND PUT UT OUT.

After a while of teasing and messing around with eachother, I was only a little tipsy and I didn't wanna drink much more because I didn't want a hangover BUT I really wanted to dance but this stubborn little prick wouldn't dance with me. " keishin pleaaaaseeeee I will do anything please just dance with meeee it's a club," I whined at him until he gave in and I screamed "YES" and pulled him to the dance floor as the song 'Closer by nine inch nails' came one (bro youre so lucky I didn't say cpr by cupcakke) I squeezed his hand as it started and he could tell I was excited. We found a spot and I started swaying my hips to the beat, he laughed and grabbed my hand and spins me around and pulls me into him. My back now facing him, I turned my head to him and smirked, he raised an eyebrow at me and grinned and put his hands on my hips again as we started 'dancing together' I say taht when we were literally grinding on eachother IM NOT COMPLAINING. He leaned down to my ear again, "you're a good dancer yk doll" I smile at the name he gave me. I turned myself around to look at him, "oh yea 'doll' I can say the same for you love" I laughed at myself bc Im so funny, yes definitely, ANYWAY GET BACK TO THE MOMENT.

(K pause for a sec Ive been listening to cpr for half an hour now and I keep thinking of music man from fnaf doing his DJ thingy and doing this song. ALRIGHT THATS ALL BACK TO THESE TWO BEING HORNY FUCKS)

Keishen cupped my face and tucked my hair behind my ear, and I put my arms over his shoulder and smiled at him. " I really like you akina" my smile dropped for a second while the my blush rushed my face then it crept back again and I pulled myself up to his ear, " I like you too keishin" I turned my head away from his ear and looked at his lips then to his eyes. I lifted my hands to his face ready to kiss him. Keishin was shocked then started to lean in too before we got interrupted by a familiar voice. (You really thought👹I truly apologise. Yea no I'm not sorry at all)

"AKINA!" I snapped back to reality when I saw my friend Mila from volleyball looking really fucking drunk. I let go of keishin and hugged her, "hey mila, is Dan not with you?" She started laughing and kind of fell on me and said he was in the bathroom, Dan is mila's fiancé, "I really miss youuuuuu:((" I giggled at her and she turned her focus to kei, " woah who is this handsome man you have here hmmmm, AHH DID I COCK BLOCK YOU" she shouted with a shocked face and kei and started laughing. I introduced kei and said he's a friend I really like which put a blush on his face. "Hi nice to meet you mila" he stuck his hand out and she shook it, he put his arm around my waist as Daniel came rushing over. "OH HI AKINA, IM SORRY I WAS GONE FOR TWO SECONDS AND SHE WALKS AWAY," I smiled at him, " it's alright Dan don't worry, look after her okay" he nodded and told me he will and said goodnight.

I looked up a keishin and smiled, "wanna go love?" He look at me and nodded and move his hand from my waist and held my hand and pulled me out. As soon as we got outside he hugged me, " hey what's this for hmm" he squeezed me and said, "I meant what I said in there yk, I really like you miss nishinoya" I looked at him and grinned at him, "so did I" and with that I grabbed his faces and kissed him (yea I felt mean SO YOURE VERY WELCOME) he didn't move for a few seconds as it came in as a surprise and soon he fell into the kiss holding my neck( that sounds bad lol) . After a good 30 seconds(again yea idfk) I needed to catch my breath again so I slowly pulled away smiling again, I looked into his eyes and pecked him on the lips again, "you're so beautiful doll" I blushed and looked away, he kissed my forehead and pulled me up the path, " hey my flat is the other way" he hugged me from the side and said, "Ik but mine is much closer also tell yuu that you won't be home And tell him that I didn't want you walking home by yourself" the truth was I was getting really tired and I couldn't be assed doing anything so I just unlocked my phone and called yuu and gave the phone to kei.

He looked at me to say wtf then carried on waiting for the little libero to pick up. " BRO WHAT DO YOU WNAT IM SLEEPING" I looked at Smokey to see him kind of taken aback and I giggled, "noya it's ukai," I could hear him say a little oh shit on the phone which made me laugh again, " what's up coach is my sister okay?"
"Yea she's fine I just wanted to tell you that she's staying with me tonight and that she couldn't be assed talking to you so gave me the phone, say hi ki" I knew he was doing it to wind me up and I rolled my eyes and took the phone from him, " what's up shorty I couldn't be assed walking back, look after the dogs k bye" I ended the call and shoved it back in my pocket.
I leant on kei while we were walking, "you okay doll?"
" I'm tired" he smiled at me and told me that his house was around the corner

Soon we got to his flat and I flopped on the couch, he left for a few minutes then came back with a shirt and some boxers, " I don't think any pants will fit you" I smiled and thanked him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, I walked to the bathroom to change, 'I am so stealing this shirt, not his fucking undies that's just weird' I finished getting changed and folded my stuff up and left it on the side of the tub.
I walked out the bathroom and saw keishin on the couch, I walked over to him and bent down. I poked his cheek and he looked at me, "is everything alright ki?" He sat up and looked at me properly, "I'm sleeping on the couch it's your home sleep in your bed." Okay so this argument will go on for a while

*time skip to when they finally stop arguing👹*
"Why don't we both sleep in the bed hmm" I said sitting on his lap crossing my legs and arms. "Ykw that's not a bad idea doll" he picks me up and takes me over to his bed and puts me down. I got into bed while he got changed into fucking shorts and no top. Yes everyone no. Top. I stared for a little, you could see his abs, idk what was so different about his I work around sweaty topless men all the time plus I have abs too so idk why I like his all of a sudden. Maybe it's because it's 𝐡𝐢𝐦😼
I quietly said to myself, " hot" thinking he wouldn't hear me. WRONG. " I can hear you yk doll" Shit. "No you cant idiot" he laughs at me and crawls into bed and he pulls me over to him, " oh so your a cuddler huh." He giggled at my comment, "I guess I am."

"Goodnight doll" he stroked my head and kissed me goodnight, "night love"

**bro it's nearly 4 in the morning👹 and it's New Year's Eve. Dude wtf😀 ANYWAY HAPPY NEW YEARS<3**

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now