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Akina's POV
I soon got to mums house and I could hear her shouting from outside. When mum is drunk she has a massive mental breakdown and takes it out on anything around her amd right now it's yuu. I pushed the door as hard as I could and walked up. "You stupid bitch get a hold of yourself" yuu walked over to me and he had a look of relief on his face. " if you don't sort yourself out in the next month yuu won't be coming back and I mean it if your gonna take your problems out on him" she just starred at me as if I was on the wrongs I just ignored her and walked out.

I checked to see if yuu was okay just in case she hit him or anything and thankfully she didn't. We got on my bike and drove back to dad's house. As soon as we got there dad was at the door. "Akina what happened in your mothers." I was so confused bc he didn't know we were there THAT BITCH CALLED HIM. I stormed in the house and sat at the table and waited for dad to sit down. " what did she say?" He sighed, " she said that you threw a glass at her" what an idiot i couldn't help but laugh and so did yuu, "if anyone threw a glass it was her she got drunk again while yuu was there so I shouted at her and left. Dad understood what happened and I do really feel bad for him because Ik he still loves that horrible woman.

*time skip 2 days later*
I woke up to someone...shouting? I looked up and seen yuu screaming at me to get up. "Fuck off it's Sunday". I pulled the covers back over my head ready to go back to sleep. "AKINA ITS MONDAY DUMBASS" oh fuck. "WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO LETS GO SHORT ASS" yuu rolled his eyes and told me to get dressed so I did💃

 "WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO LETS GO SHORT ASS" yuu rolled his eyes and told me to get dressed so I did💃

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Yea your wearing this bc baggy clothes are just amazing OKAY ANYWAY

"Oi yuu, we're walking today" he grabbed his bag and looked at me with a confused look, " I cant be assed driving." He just looked at me then called me a lazy bitch then ran away bc he knew I would launch him down those stairs

*time skip*
After us arguing most of the way to karasuno we didn't realise that we had got there. I have yuu his lunch money and we both walked up to the sports hall for morning practice. This time me and yuu both slammed open the door and shouted , " WHATS UP FUCKERS" everyone turned around and we didn't realise that the head teacher was there talking to takeda. "Shit" I whispered and yuu just looked at me trying not to laugh. I could already see Smokey laughing in the corner. " akina nishinoya and yuu nishinoya my office now" I rolled my eyes and said, " I don't even go to this schooool" the head teacher looked at me to tell me to stfu so I did. I looked over to Smokey and mouthed help me and HE JUST FUCKING PUT THE MIDDLE FINGER UP AT ME AND SMILED. I'll get that fucker back istg.

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