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Yea sorry I lied abt coming back👹
ANYWAY I'll probably do a few chapters then disappear again sorry abt that my dudes

We got to the head's office and sat us down. " so akina what brings you back?" I sighed bc THIS IS LIKE GHE A ONE MILLIONTH TIME TELLING THIS FUCKING STORY. I told him what happened well it was basically a summary and explained that I told ukai that I could help with the volleyball team. "That does sound like a good idea I can give you a a job here but I can't pay you a lot" I smiled slightly, " I don't need the money sir I just wanted to help out especially with coach ukai because he's running a shop while coaching a team so please don't worry about money I don't need it" the head made a sigh of relief and I asked him why he wanted to see yuu. " well he has been falling behind in some of his classes especially English so there is some tutoring sessions he could go to" I looked at yuu and he had his head down, "yuu don't worry he's trying to help. When are the sessions?" He explained that they were after school on Mondays and practice isn't on Mondays so it works out perfectly. I asked him if he was okay with going on a Monday and he said yea because tanaka was failing too.

*time skip*
We left the heads office and yuu seemed kind of embarrassed, "hey yk it's okay to struggle, English is hard I don't blame you, I was failing math at one point bc yk maths is a pain in the fucking ass but hey look where I am now I focused on my work and volleyball and it worked out fine." He smiled at me, " thanks ki, and sorry I'm failing.' He's an idiot I told him not to be sorry and to put his smile back on his face and go and practice.

Yuu ran off and I soon got to the boys and walked over to ukai. "I hate you." Smokey starts laughing and grabbed my waist, " no you don't short ass" when I tell you my face was like a tomato, it really was. I pushed him off, " you prick, ofc I don't". He walked over to the boys smiling to himself, it went to his head.

*another time skip to after practice*
The boys were walking ahead with kiyoko and yachi, while me and ukai walked behind them to his shop. I was talking with kiyoko when ukai nudged me and I turned to him, " wanna go out on Friday? I was at loss for words bro, I kinda just looked at him with my cheeks painting itself with pink. " woah I left akina nishinoya speechless I didn't think anyone could do that" he laughed at himself and I rolled my eyes, "yea sure where do you wanna go?" He looked to the floor like he was thinking , I got an idea, " what about a club?" He look back up and smiled, " yea just me and you" soon that cute smile turned to smirk, I started laughing at him, " I hope your not a lightweight my love" I walked up to the group leaving him speechless behind us , I turned around to look at him and laughed again, " LOOK WHOS SPEECHLESS NOW HMM"

He ran up to the group to catch up and I swear I heard him say 'that was hot' under his breath which made me smile and blush at the same time. I looked at him and said "ur cute yk" his cheeks tinted pink and his ears went red. We got to the shop and I got my helmet out the back seat, "oi yuu are u going to dad's tonight?" He turned around with a bun in his mouth and tried to say yea but his mouth was too full. I laughed and closed the seat. Ukai came over and almost looked sad, " leaving already short ass?" I smiled at the name idek why bc I hate being called short, " yea I haven't seen the dogs all day and I need to take them for a walk, don't miss me too much yea and youll see me for the whole week anyway" before I put my helmet on I hugged him and kissed his cheek. " until tomorrow love" I put my helmet on and started the engine and drove off and put the middle finger up at him.

Ukai's POV:
"Cute" I thought. Nishinoya came over and poked my shoulder. " oh hey you okay?" Him and tanaka squinted their eyes glaring at me "okaaayyy you boys okay?"
"You better treat kina well" tanaka started, "yea what he said, she really likes you so don't break her heart" I smiled and laughed a little, " I promise I won't, she's Amazing

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now