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"So are you gonna let me in or what" she look me up and down then noticed my knuckle ,"fine but you better not be getting in any fights" I starred at her for a few seconds then rolled my eyes and walked in.

We sat down at the dinner table as mum and yuu started talking abt school shit, while they were talking I went on my phone and started texting ukai

Smokey(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Sarcastic bitch ;)
Smokey(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
What's up princess
Sarcastic bitch ;)
Princes😀 ANYWAY- my               
                                          Mum is being annoying

Smokey(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Want me to come pick you up?
Sarcastic bitch ;)
No no it's okay yuu is here
As well so I'll just deal with it
Smokey(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Okay if you need any help just
Text me okay <3
Sarcastic bitch ;)
I will , I'll ttyl thanks pretty
Boy <3

"Oi tomboy don't just go on your phone and make conversation." I looked up at her with a look of really bitch. " you do realise you've been talking to yuu for the past 20 minutes I'm not gonna just sit there like a complete idiot and do nothing of course I'm gonna do something." She glared at me once and stood up and pointed her finger at me, " you stop answering back to your mum-" I stood up with her, "or what hmm what are you gonna do I'm a grown woman I can do what I want without you telling me what to do and how I should do things no you won't do shit oh and you stopped being my mum when you put me down and left dad and I'm only here bc yuu wanted to see you and I have no problem with that so if you want me to leave I'll leave." I got up and started to leave then turned around again, " I hope your happy without dad now, also yuu you can stay if you want just tell me when you want picking up I'm going to see ukai" yuu got up and came over to hug me, " alright, I'm sorry about mum I'll call you when I need picking up." I smiled and hugged him "I'll see you later"

God that woman pisses me off. I got on my bike and drove off I didn't really know where I was driving I was just kinda following the road to wherever it took me, soon i found a petrol station to stop at and decided to call
Ukai . After a few rings he picked up, "hello?" i smiled at the sound of his voice , "hey smokey" i heard him laugh a little which caused me to laugh a little ," whats up akina want me to pick you up?" i sighed then said," no its okay but can i come over to your place for little while i wait for yuu, its okay if i cant come don worry about it i can jus go to my dad-" he soon cut me off from my little rant," hey shortie its fine im just finishing up in the shop anyway, ill text you my adress ill see you in a little bit okay," i sighed heavily then smiled again, " okay thanks again ukai," before i put the phone down i heard," call me keishin" i ended the call by mistake. "REALLY YOU STUPID BITCH HE GAVE YOU FIRST NAME BASIS AND YOU FUCKED IT UP WOWWW" after my little outrage the man in the petrol station had to come out and ask me to leave because i was scaring the customers :).

*time skip to ukai's house*

i got to his apartment complex an looked for his number, " hmm 69, where tf is 69- oh that mf is right here" i knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door . soon someone answered the door but it wasnt ukai..... it was some old dude," oh uhh sorry wrong place" he laughed a bit at me," uhm do i have something on my face?" i started wiping my face thinking i had something on my face, then this dinosaur started laughig again," look mr tell me why your laughing" he kind of calmed down but was still chuckling, " i cant believe you dont remember me?" i was confused at first the i thought he looked familiar so i looked harder, " hold up YOU OLD PRICK I THOUGHT I KNEW YOU FROM SOMEWHERE WHATS UP COACH DAMN YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR ABOUT TO FOSSILISE." Then he had a scowl on his face after i said that, " i havent changed that much jesus anyways shouldn't you be with the your team," oh yea i forgot about that, " can i come in and ill tell you this shitty story."

After a good 20 minutes of telling him the whole story we heard the door open and keishin walked in, " hey smokey" he smiled then looked confused, " hey akina, you know my grandad? i smiled, " yea he used to help me after the boys practice." he nodded then sat down with us. We started talking for a few hours until yuu called me, "hey yu-"
"Hey uh can you pick me up mum is uh kinda drunk" that stupid hag, " okay I'll come and get you now I'll be there in 5-10 minutes will you be okay?"
"Yea I'll be okay just hurry up you know I don't like it when she's drunk"
"I know you don't I'll go now I'm only a few minutes away anyway I'll be there soon see you in a minute" I ended the call and ran to get my coat, " hey where are you going shorty?"
"Thank you for the drink but I really need to go and pick yuu up my old hag is drunk and she isn't nice when she's drunk I'll text you later" and with that a ran as fast as I could to my motorbike and sped as fast I could.

coach (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) (keishin ukai x oc)Where stories live. Discover now