Chapter 63: STRINGS

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The scene shows the group working on getting the message out, Sounds of things going up pneumatic tubes are heard clanging, until it stops. Ruby then exits hers and is breathing heavily, before gasping for breath. The others soon follow as Weiss was angrily pulling Nora by the ear.

Nora: ow, ow, ow! C'mon that was a once in a lifetime experience! (Weiss lets go) ow.

Blake: (fixes her hair) good. Because I never wanna do that again.

Dante: you kidding? That was awesome! You kids aren't so bad at this kind of stuff.

Trish: at least it's better then traveling through a blood passage.

May: (to Penny) alright robo-girl, you're up. Which way?

Penny uses her eyes to view the area ahead in a wireframe view.

Penny: (points in various directions as she says them) we'll cross the bridge, then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left.

Nikki: (after a moment) say that again?

Since they were on a time schedule, it was decided that they'd use May's semblance to make their way through the compound. After a few twists and turns, they soon came across the exact point where they have to go. Unfortunately, it was filled with too many people that would make it impossible to just walk in.

Weiss: of course.

May: I can't maneuver us through all that.

Dante: well, we could just run in guns blazing.

Lady: we're trying not to get caught, Dante.

Penny: do not worry, Ruby is capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking herself down to her molecular components, thus negating her mass and then reassembling them at the destination, theoretically making it possible for her to transport all of us in the same way, as mass no longer matters.

A cartoonish series of animated infographics pops up next to Penny as she talks, illustrating the effects of Ruby's Semblance. However, Ruby looks dumbfounded.

Ruby: I, uh, what?

Penny: you can use your Semblance on all of us.

The infographic disappears in a burst of stars.

Blake: did Penny just figure that out before you did?

Ruby: Blake, she knew you were a Faunus before I did.

Vali: regardless, can you pull it off?

Ruby: I've never done it with multiple people before.

Nikki: well, practice does come from experience. Give it a go.

Before she could, Ironwood broadcasts an announcement throughout the complex.

Ironwood: a security threat has been detected in the compound, status alert level 3: red. Lockdown initiated. Authorization granted to handle ANY threats with lethal force.

Red emergency lighting activates and sirens start to blare as the infiltrating group listens in dismay.

Weiss: you've got to be joking!

Penny's eyes glow as she inspects the system.

Penny: the pneumatic tubes have all been closed off.

Blake: we're trapped.

May: we passed a hangar, I can hijack an airship and get us off this floating rock.

Penny: wait, we can still succeed. We are so close.

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