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The Branwen Tribe was getting ready for what appeared to be the departure of one of their own. In the main tent, there was Raven Branwen, the leader of the tribe, along with Vernal and the two looked towards a teenage boy with long length white hair, three scares over his left eye, blue eyes, is wearing a blue trench coat, a black button up with a vest, black pants and shoes, and is holding a katana in his left hand. This is Vali Brawen, Raven's adopted son.

Raven: I hope you understand what you're doing, Vali. Ozpin's a fool to try and keep fighting in this war. Are really going to risk your life for a pointless crusade?

Vali doesn't respond and looks down at his blue jewel necklace. He then remembers an event that happened months ago. He and a couple of friends were journeying to a nearby town to investigate reports of unknown demons attacking the locals and devouring them. They offered to pay the tribe a reward for helping them.

Currently with him was a red haired girl named Jericho, and dark haired boy named Adrian. The plan was that they would scout ahead and after determining the threat level, would call for backup.

Jericho: what kind of demon do you think it is?

Adrian: whatever it is, must be bad enough to request our resident demon hunter. (Turns to Vali) what do you think, Devil boy?

Vali: I hate that name. (Sees the village) we're approaching the village.

They met a few of the locals and they were told what was attacking them, and that it resides in the woods towards the East. Later that night, it was raining hard and they were hot on the trail.

Vali: the demons are nearby. I'll scout ahead and let you know what I find.

Adrian: you got it. (Readies Gun) this'll be a piece of cake.

Jericho: don't get cocky. We'll keep an eye out for Grimm.

After that, Vali went off and soon saw Grimm in his path towards where one of the demons are. They roar at him, but he remains uneffected and has a deadpanned expression.

Vali: you pests are in my way. I suggest you leave if you want to live.

Grimm: (roars)

Vali: very well. (Pushes katana with thumb)

In the blink of an eye, Vali moved fast enough to slice through multiple Grimm. When he stops, he slowly reseaths Yamato and with the sound of a "clink", the Grimm were killed and exploded. He then moves around and attacks with not only the sword, but the sheath itself. He also triggers his semblance with was swords made of a blue energy. He fires them and they bring damage while he cuts them.

Vali: (stabs on in the head while it screams in pain) I can't stand your whining. (Summons sword right above its neck) let's stop that.

He kills it and then came to the demons.

He kills it and then came to the demons

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Beowulf: your sent is familiar. You carry the blood of Sparda.

Vali: Sparda?

Beowulf: your father killed one of my kind. I will make that creature suffer by killing his kin!

Vali: (walks to it) I don't know my father, so if you're calling me a bastard child, you wouldn't be the first.

Vali wastes no time by charging towards the first and slicing its legs. The demon tried to grab him, but Vali cuts its hand and gets it lying on the ground. An orb comes from it and creates a light around Vali. When it fades, Vali's arms and legs are in a black armor with purple energy glowing through them.

 When it fades, Vali's arms and legs are in a black armor with purple energy glowing through them

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With his new Beowulf gauntlets, Vali attacks the second demon. He did get clawed on his left eye, but he still stands and soon breaks it.

Vali: you're just as weak as your comrade.

Beowulf: (laughs weakly) you killed two of us, but you missed the third. (Dies)

Vali: third?

He then hears gunshots and he realizes it's coming from where the others are. He runs back, not caring for the rain or the Grimm corpses fading, and keeps going until he sees blood. He also sees a sword belonging to Jericho, and grows more worried. Picking it up, Vali runs until he sees something on the ground.

Vali: (eyes widen) Jericho...

In front of him, was Jericho's head, with a look of fear on her. He then hers crewing, and looks to see another Beowulf with half of Adrian in his mouth. It sees Vali, and spits out Adrian.

Beowulf: those humans were tasty, and now you're next, halfling.

Everything goes quite and Vali continues to look at Jericho's head and Adrian's corpse. His hair was covering his left eye, and he dismisses Beowulf and readies both swords. He then says one sentence before a fog passes by him.

Vali: you shall die.

(Cue Levi's pain)

When the fog clears, Vali's gone. The demon is confused, until it's suddenly cut near the face. Vali then moves around at inhuman speeds and uses both swords to bring multiple slashes of light. Throughout it, he was screaming in rage and get faster and faster with each strike. Now, he could've killed it instantly, but Vali wanted it to suffer. After a few more cuts, the head goes flying and after moving fast enough to slice its hand into multiple pieces, Jericho's sword breaks and Vali sheaths Yamato and with the "clink", the demon explodes and Vali stands back up.

Members of the Brawen tribe, including Raven, arrive and see the carnage. They also noticed silent tears running down Vali's face. Ignoring all the questions from the members, Vali simply walks away. The flashback ends and Vali makes his decision.

Vali: those who run are weak. I will not run, but get stronger. I need more power, and I won't find it here.

Raven: if you do this, Vali, I may not be there to help you when you need it most.

Vali: (walks away) then I guess this is goodbye, mother.

He pulls out Yamato, and creates two horizontal cuts in reality. This makes a portal, and Vali enters it, before it closes.


Author's note: sorry this took a while.
I was writing this, the other two prologues, and the prologue for KH3 Dragon War.
So, with Vali, his personality is similar to Vergil's, but also has bits of Levi from Attack on Titan. That being said, imagine that his expression is generally neutral.
Also, the reason why he's going to Beacon, is to seek more power and get stronger. This will play out for his character arc for a bit.

Next chapter: N

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