Chapter 24: BROKEN (NEMESIS)

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The volume opens up in the city of Vigrid where Nikki was on a skateboard and making her way through the town as she was chased by fallen angels. She also changed her outfit and now has a new dress, black leggings, knee-high combat boots, and black gloves with arm guards.

Nikki: (looks behind her and then forward) when they said about fallen angels here, they failed to mention exactly how many there were

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Nikki: (looks behind her and then forward) when they said about fallen angels here, they failed to mention exactly how many there were.

Karasu: I get the feeling your mother intentionally left that part out to test you.

Nikki: that's not surprising.

She then uses the board, combined with gravity magic, to grind a pipe that led her up to the rooftops where she then kicks the board directly in one of the enemies' face. They then try to pounce on her and attack, but she easily destroys them with her hammer and whip. After some time fighting, she returns to a cathedral where on the outside was a normal looking one, but was actually a secret magic academy where they train those in the art of the mystics.

Nikki walks down the hallway to give her report on the mission when she was stopped by some other students.

Nikki: can I help you lot?

Student 1: we heard you were at Beacon the night it fell.

Nikki: (not caring) yes, as I have told a hundred times. What of it?

Student 2: we also heard your team got their asses handed to them by your ex-boyfriend.

Student 3: yeah. Did your teammates had to help you get over your broken heart again?

Nikki: if you're aiming to insult me, the least you could do is actually be decent in magic, and actually perhaps listen every once in a while to the news.

That ticked off one of them as they tried going in for a punch and she merely side steps and trips them. One was about to shoot her, but resulted in a back kick right in there stomach and and a full axe kick on the last one. As the groan in pain, she gets up and walks away, but not before saying one last piece.

Nikki: and for future reference, you have no right to speak about my team, or the fall like that ever again. None of you were there, so you'll never understand!

Later on, she was back home where her mom, Jeanne, and Ember were having lunch and she was discussing the events of today.

Jeanne: ignore those pricks. Just merely looking for an excuse to fight.

Nikki: still though, the fact that they think they can easily get away by saying those things boils me to no end.

Jeanne: which one the most?

Nikki: all of it! My friends are scattered, Beacon's still overrun with Grimm, Dean might be dead, and Kira's back.

Bayonetta: ugh! I never did like that boy. Was always trouble, especially when he touched that book and his Shinigami came into the picture.

Nikki: and thanks to the fact that the tower's down, communications have been all but broken. I can't even check in with the others if they're okay.

Bayonetta: (takes her plate to the sink) Nikki, I'm sure your friends are perfectly fine. (Sits back down) besides, with Dean being Dante's son, I have no doubt that he's alright.

Nikki: did you meet Dante?

Jeanne: once. Let's just say it ended very bloody back then. (Beat) listen, love, things'll get better and you'll be back on track again.

Bayonetta: but, you can't do that by mopping. So, Archer's paying a visit and would like to talk to you about about training.

Nikki: training in what?

Bayonetta: you'll just have to see it from him. But don't worry, love, I'm sure you'll be alright.

Nikki nods in understanding and soon takes Ember to her room. The two witches watch as she leaves.

Jeanne: is she really alright?

Bayonetta: no, and I don't think she'll be the same after that night. Whoever that was who attacked them wasn't like anything before. And she's doesn't show it, but she's really hurt that her friends are broken apart. Especially that Blake girl.

Jeanne: now that you mentioned it, just from the letters Nikki sent, she really cared about that girl. I honestly haven't seen her like that since things ended badly between her and Light. And, those kids seemed like a good influence on her.

Bayonetta: and whoever that Salem was, she became DVNT first real defeat.

In Nikki's room, she had set Ember down to play with some toys, and then looked over at her night stand and picked up a picture. It was of her team, all together after they were formed on their first day. Beacon's fall was a huge impact on all the survivors. Team RWBY was scattered apart, her teammates were all broken, CFVY had transferred over to Shade Academy, and the deaths of Penny, Pyrrha, and maybe even Dean, didn't make it better.

She and Ember then walk over to the windowsill and looked up to the sky.

Nikki's Thoughts: Dean... Vali... Týra... I will make this right.

Later that day, she was back at the school where she met Archer in the training room.

Archer: thank you for seeing me, Ms. Tanaka.

Nikki: mum said you wanted to talk. What can I help you with?

Archer: actually, I would like to help you.

Nikki: how so?

Archer: I reviewed your training back at Beacon and saw even though you're skilled in firearms, your melee combat is slow.

Nikki: if you're aiming to train me like Vali, I'm not as fast as him.

Archer: (chuckles) as amusing as that would be, I know your fighting style if very different from Vali's. We'll apply your style with hand-to-hand weapons.

Nikki: what makes you think I'd want to get dragged into whatever you're planning?

Archer: (smirks) I know you seek to to get back at Salem for what she did to you and your team. But, if you're gonna go against that, as well as Kira and the rest of their monstrosities, you'll have to learn a new way of fighting. So tell me, are you ready for the war that is to come?

Nikki thinks about it for a bit. She knew from the stories on Archer that was one of the greatest huntsmen in the world, and since he trained Vali, she knew she could learn something. And, with Salem and Kira and all the other big threats out there, she knew she'll need new moves to help end this.

Nikki: when do we start?

Author's note: it begins.
The first four chapters will be about the aftermath for our main four, and by the end of the volume, they'll be ready to rejoin together.
Some of the chapters will be pretty short, cause I plan on combining their progress with the girls in a few bits, but will retain main events from the volume.

Next chapter: Vali's downfall

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