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The scene picks up where we left off by showing Vali in his Sin Devil Trigger as he appears directly in front of Cinder and unleashes multiple attacks from his sword. He may no longer be able to use his other weapons in this form, but he was just as deadly. The attacks were powerful, and forced Cinder to deflect and move back. However, to her shock, her aura was taking longer to heal than normal.

Cinder: (in pain) what is this!?

Vali SDT: aura takes longer to heal against demonic energy. Which gives me more than enough time to put the animals down!

He goes again, but Emerald puts herself in the way. However, he knocks her aside easily and almost stabs Cinder. But, Raven blocks it with her sword and is struggling as Vali was putting more and more pressure against it.

Vali SDT: here this is, mother. I finally understand what you've been telling me all these years! You want a demon? I'll drag you to Hell where you can meet Lucifer himself!!!

He breaks the block, and strikes the ground, sending them up in the air. He then moves to avoid Mercury's attack. That proved to be a mistake, as Vali easily destroyed his robotic legs and threw him away. The others watch in complete fear at seeing their friend go from calm and collected, to crazed and angered. Oscar then uses this opportunity to smack Lionheart, causing him to fall down the stairs and into Hazel, who remains unfazed as Lionheart falls to the ground.

Oscar: what happened to him?

Ozpin: he's gone into a blind rage.

Oscar: I can see that.

Ozpin: no, this is different. It happened before when he lost his friends before coming to Beacon. Only this time, he's at his true power.

Oscar: how do we stop him?

Ozpin: get to Ms. Rose, he needs someone he can trust right now!

Oscar quickly runs over to Ruby, with Nora joining him.

Oscar: Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!

Hazel picks up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.

Hazel: you're lettin' that boy make a fool of you.

Lionheart: that's not just a boy! It's Ozpin. (Hazel's eyes widen when he says this) he's already reincarnated!

Hazel drops Lionheart and looks over to Oscar, who is still trying to nudge Ruby to wake her up. He then notices The Long Memory being held in the young farm boy's hand.

Hazel: Ozpin?

Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor of Hazel slowly turns infuriated. Ruby stirs for a bit.

Oscar: Ruby! You--

Hazel: OZPIN!!!!

Oscar looks up.

Ozpin: (mentally) oh no...

Hazel: you thought you could hide from ME?!!

Hazel rips his coat off, and then grabs a pair of lightning Dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his legs.

Hazel: you'll pay for what you did! You'll die over and over again!!

He stabs the lightning Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he lets out an intimidating roar. Oscar slowly backs away, holding his cane up cautiously.

Oscar: do-- do we fight?

Ozpin: (afraid) no, run!

Hazel leaps forward to charge into Oscar, but Qrow gets him out of the way in time. Qrow transforms Harbinger into its scythe form while Cinder watches. Raven and Vernal walk to her sides.

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