Chapter 47: A NEW PLAN

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The scene picks up where we left off, but back at Saphron's home. The group just told them of what Jinn spoke of, and they didn't take it too well. Jaune, especially, as he punched the wall hard enough to leave a large crack in it.

Ruby: Jaune!

Jaune: everything we did was for nothing!

Blake: that's not true.

Nora: (angry) really? Cuz it sure does sound like it.

Blake: I, um...

Ren: if Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?

Dean: you guys may give up, but I'm not.

Nikki: none of DVNT are.

Jaune: so leave it to the OP team then? (Sarcastic) wow... Great plan everyone!

Oscar: look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here.

Jaune: (hostile) are we sure about that?

Oscar: what?

Jaune: he's in your head, isn't he? Did you already know about this? (Angrily walks over to Oscar)

Weiss: he didn't know any of it!

Jaune: (grabs Oscar and shoves him against the wall) how much longer can we even trust him?!

Yang: Jaune!

Jaune: how do we even know it's really him?! What if we have been talking to that liar this whole time?!

Frustrated, Týra violently grabs Jaune's shoulder and throws him to the ground. She then grabs his arm, and forces him to look at her.

Týra: (angered and stern) that is enough!! You are angry, and it is understandable. But Oscar is just as much of a victim in this as the rest of us. Do not take your anger out on someone who did no harm.

Jaune: what about Ozpin then!? If it weren't for him, Pyrrha would—

Týra: if Pyrrha was still alive, we would not be doing this! And I wouldn't have had to kill her just to free her from the Valkyrie curse! (Stands up with him and lets go of his arm) do not think you're the only one who misses her, but it's no excuse to hurt someone who's suffering through this whole ordeal as well.

Everyone was then shocked. Just as rare as it was for Dean to get serious, it was even more rare to see Týra this mad at her friends. Kratos was rubbing off on her. But, when he calms down, Jaune realizes what he has done, and looks to Oscar, who is cowering in fear. He then has an apologetic look on his face, and goes upstairs. A door can be heard opening and slamming shut.

Yang: is he... gonna be okay?

Nora: I don't know! (Gets up and leaves)

Ren: I think it would be best if we had some time to ourselves. (Leaves and heads upstairs as well)

Team RWBY, Team DVNT and Oscar remain in the living room.

Blake: maybe we could all use some space.

Everyone stays silent and Oscar looks down sadly. As a result of this, they all went off in their own separate ways. At the city near a park, Vali sat alone as he fiddled with the necklace Weiss gave him. Speaking of, she approaches him with a worried expression on her face.

Weiss: you okay?

Vali: I'm fine. Since Blake mentioned getting alone time, I thought I'd use this time to clear my head.

Weiss: (sits next to him) mind if I join?

Vali: not at all.

Weiss: ......... Vali, can I ask you something?

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