Chapter 28: FAMILY

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The scene picks up where we left off where Nero plants the sword next to Dean's head and everyone is still surprised to see said boy awake.

Dean: (sits up) for a second, I actually thought you were gonna kill me.

Nero: I maybe mad, but that doesn't mean I want you dead. Plus, you're just like your old man; too stubborn to die.

Dean: so I've been told. (Beat) so, I've I really been here for almost a year?

Nero: yeah. Shit really hit the fan while you've been gone.

Dean: (stands up and stretches) man, no wonder I'm so stiff. (Turns to CFVY) what brings you four here?

Fox: (after a short moment) we came to find you.

Dean: well, thanks. And, love the new outfits. But ya know, you really scared me that night.

Coco: (grabs his shirt and shakes him) we scared you!? How do you think we feel!? We thought you were killed that night you dumbass!

Dean: (hissed in pain) hey, easy!

She let go, but then pulls him into a hug. He's slightly surprised, but then returns it. After letting go, Velvet hugs him and Fox and Yatsu give fist bumps.

Dean: what happened? Where are the others?

Lady: after Beacon fell, everyone's pretty much broken. Nikki, Ember, and Weiss went back to their home towns, Týra and Yang are in Patch, and last we heard, Ruby and the remainder of JNR are heading to Haven.

Dean: remainder? What happened?

Seeing that he clearly doesn't know, they broke the news carefully.

Velvet: Dean... Pyrrha's dead.

Dean: (slightly eye widen) what? What happened?

Yatsuhashi: we don't know exactly what happened, but Týra said she was killed by Cinder.

Dean: and where's Vali?

Nico: whatever attacked you guys did more injuries to him, and he's in a coma. He's in Atlas to get the best meds.

Now processing this info that his friends are broken apart, Cinder killing Pyrrha, and that Vali nearly died, made Dean's eyes glow red and black and he nearly transforms into Devil Trigger. However, it only lasted a few seconds as he immediately reverts to human form. He stagers a bit but Trish catches him.

Trish: easy. Like we said, you've been here for a while, so you're getting used to being back.

Fox: but what happened to you? How did you windup in a broken part of the school?

Dean: my team and I were greeted by this woman. I don't know what she was, but it was just about impossible to kill her.

Nero: she was?

Dean: dude, I hit her with a full blast from Pandora, and we crushed her with a building. All it did was excite her and she lifted the thing and threw it back at us.

Glynda: did this woman give you a name?

Dean: she called herself Salem.

At the mentioning of that, Glynda's expression changed to one Dean normally never sees; fear.

Dean: you know who that was?

Glynda: (after a moment) yes. She's dangerous, and you're lucky you lived.

Dean: I might be, but the others aren't. Who is she?

Glynda: I can't tell.

Dean: why not?

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