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Picking up where we left off, the scene shows a bird flying in the sky. Then, it gets hit by a red blur. It's Dean, falling in the sky and heading straight towards the woods. He then smirks, pulls out his dual guns and uses the "Gunslinger" style to spin his body while shooting bullets to slow his impact. It works and he lands with no problems.

Vali does something different and it's the Yamato, quickly cuts through reality, and opens a portal that takes him to the ground.

Nikki does the same thing Dean did, but towards the end, summons Karasu and uses him to float down to the ground.

Týra activities her shield on uses it to break her decent. She then dive rolls after  retracting it and stands up and dusts herself off.

Everyone makes their landings and Dean is running through the woods, wondering who to be with.

Dean's Thoughts: alright, now to find a partner. Let's see, what are my options? There's Vali, though he's pretty much a grinch. But, he did say we could find out more about ourselves. Nikki's good, I don't know about her OCD pet. Týra might be a good choice, but I don't know much about her. Plus, she could easily kill me with little force. Coco or Velvet's nice, but I don't know what they'll fight with. Wait, come to think of it, what are their weapons?

His thoughts were interrupted by almost running into someone. Acting on pure instinct, the two clash swords and they lock blades to see that Dean was fighting Vali.

Dean: (grins) hi.

Vali: that's an interesting sword you're carrying. If it wasn't for your reaction time, I might've killed you.

Dean: (both stand down) what would you have to gain from that?

Vali: nothing, but peace and silence from you. Regardless, now that we're paired, let's make haste to the temple.

Dean: works for me. (Dismisses sword) by the way, even if you killed me, I'd haunt you and become friends with you. I'm gonna enjoy these next four years.

Vali: (sighs) lord, give me strength to not cut this idiot's head off.

Meanwhile, in another part of the woods, Nikki was dealing with Grimm. She fired her guns and shredded a few, but she then decided to change it up. She summons a whip with magenta energy and attacks.

Nikki: these things aren't Fallen Angels, but they're quite annoying

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Nikki: these things aren't Fallen Angels, but they're quite annoying.

She's distracted by dealing with the ones in front of her, that she doesn't notice one coming from behind, until the Leviathan Axe strikes it in the head and sends it flying. Nikki then sees the Axe return back to Týra's hands before she changes to a spear with purple energy.

 Nikki then sees the Axe return back to Týra's hands before she changes to a spear with purple energy

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