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The scene opens up with Vali slowly waking up and finding himself in a familiar tent. Then, to confirm his suspicions, he turns to see Raven siting not far and drinking her tea.

Raven: welcome back, Vali.

Vali: did I die again?

Raven: unfortunately for you, no. And, is that any way to greet your mother?

Vali: (sits up) how did I get here?

Raven: we found you in a crashed ship with a Schnee girl.

Vali: Weiss? Where is she?

Raven: none of your concern.

Vali: if she was with me, then it's every bit of my concern. What'd you plan to do with her? Hold her for ransom? Use her to keep Atlas off your back? You know better than to keep me out of this.

Raven: (narrows her eyes) you've changed. Normally, you don't give a rat's ass when it comes to other people. But, now you're wanting to see this girl? The fall of Beacon must've really effected your mind.

Vali: I've learned to adapt, where you haven't learned a damn thing.

Raven: I'm trying to help you, Vali. You shouldn't take my kindness for granted.

Vali: I don't.

Raven: you were lucky you survived from Salem. People like her don't take kindly to people with supernatural powers. When they find you, and they will, they'll stop at nothing until you're dead.

Vali: that'll be my problem. Now, tell me where Weiss is.

Raven: (annoyed) if you're gonna have that attitude with me, young man, then you can spend time with her in her cell.

Vali: fine by me.

She then takes him outside, and brings him to where they were keeping Weiss. He passes by Vernal, and they briefly shared a glance. Even though she was use to it for years, seeing Vali's cold glare nearly sent chills down her back. Even more since he was slowly developing a killing aura the longer he stayed here. He goes in the cell, and Weiss immediately goes to him and hugs him.

Weiss: Vali, I'm so glad you're okay. What happened?

Vali: had a discussion with mother.

Weiss: your mom's here? Then, why are you in here?

Vali: because I'd rather not leave my friend to deal with these savages. Besides, we're not really on good terms.

She hugs him again and soon breaks it. Weiss then begins to work on her summon again, as the two prepare to escape. However, little did they knew, a couple of their friends were on the way.


With the girls, they drove with the bandit until they arrived to a clearing in the woods. He gets off and the girls soon follow.

Bandit: you wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear. (Exists)

Mimir: you both do realize this is a trap, right?

Týra: we're well aware.

Yang: give it a few seconds.

They wait for a moment, until a gunshot rang out, and Týra deflects it with her shield. The two were then surrounded by bandits with weapons.

Shady man: I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.

Yang: is this everyone?

Shady man: (chuckles) yes, little ladies. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way. (Gestures behind him)

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