** Chapter 1 **

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Chapter 1

Jp's POV

I put all my notes in my bag as my other classmates leave the classroom. I better get hurry before it gets dark, you know what parents say about darkness. I'm not that really afraid of night.  Dont get me wrong i love doing stargazing , I just don't like the Darkness.After doing my bag,  i quickly stand up and ran to my locker immediately fast as i could because its already 6 pm. " Ms.Taway? "  darn..Mr.Erkley call, walking towards me. " Yes Mr. Erkley? " I ask, faking smile.

" I'm really sorry but I need a favor,  would you take this to the basement? " he ask. handing me a bunch of files and papers. I couldn't say no, though. So there are no other option." Yes sir " I reply holding the files, Mr.Erkley handed me the key and said thank you to me. I walk into the hallways and into the downstairs facing the Darkness. Its 7:30 when I finally finish my work in school which is putting that damn file on the basement after returning the key to Mr.Erkley. I finally leave the prison ( School ) 

It was dark already and I'm feeling weak, more like scared on what will happen since there are not a lot of people outside. And then I feel like just taking Taxi but I don't see any cars passing by. As the wind blows that made me feel cold." F*ck !  " I hear a loud scream aside the tree, oh just ignore it I tell my self. I continued walking, but then the scream is becoming louder like as If I'm closer.

" Stop please !! L-leave me alone !! " Another guy scream crying in pain I guess because It was too dark to see what they are look like. should I help him ? I tell myself as I saw three guys, two beating one bloody guy on the ground. I should have just ignore them or leave them but they are on my way! What should I do? Wait for them to finish their business or help the guy ? I don't have any choice, so I choose interrupting them.

" Leave him alone or I'll call the police ! " I shout, made the both two guys stop and look at me. Dear lord, please help me. I prayed." We'll leave, but the next time we'll see this guy, he's dead. And never fucking anyone's business little girl " Replied the guy with a thick Irish accent, I walk towards them as they leave. Seeing two guys who seem same age as mine. I help the guy stand up, he have blood all over his face.

" Oh god should go clean that ! You have cuts " I say worried, he look at me in the eyes. I was about to ask to help him but he just shake his head. " I'm fine " He say, walking now away." Fine? You are almost dying earlier. God, this is why I hate Darkness. Weird peoples are around" I say, but he just ignore me. Still walking, as I do the same.

" You should never be afraid of Darkness " He say, and then walking to the other highway.I stop, watching him gone. He is weird really, forgot to say Thanks, or say his name or anything. But then, why I must never be afraid of Darkness ? I need answers.


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