** Chapter 3 **

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Chapter 3

Jp's POV

So.. Its still break time , also still losing my mind from thinking about that Zayn guy? And I still can't believe that night. A girl sat beside me replacing Zayn's trace in it and look at me with a smiling face reaching out for a handshake." Hi ! Im Sunshine , i saw you just talk to my brother " she say. I choke on my food when she said brother

" Zayn is your brother ?! " i ask, shockingly , like really? A brother? They really don't look a like that much.. Just kidding they're hundred percent look a like. Almost like a twin only hair difference " Well umm, may I know your name ? " She ask , I smile at her and say my name. As minute goes by the more Sunshine and I talk the more i get to know her she become my friend and she is cool.

Now its time for Geography.

" I hate this " Zayn mumbled , giving up to the Quiz Sr.John gave to us. He looks tired and all until he looks at me. I blush a bit that he caught me staring at him." umm the answer in no. 5 is Europe " I whispered , then he smile and mouthed thank you.After the quiz the bell rang that means dismissed , all the student quickly go and then gone.I was searching for Sunshine or Zayn but no sign. So I sigh and carry my bag and leave.

It was already 6:00 pm , i dont know why but time runs really fast and I hate it because I know darkness is coming.And yes it did. So I start walking , and feel the cold air hit me. Soo coold ! Id remind myself tomorrow to bring a jacket! I suddenly hear a foot steps behind me. I dont want to look back, As the sound of the step becomes heavier i feel nervous. And someone patted me in my shoulder that made me scream.

" Hey sorry , Its just me " Zayn giggled. What ?!? He giggled ?!? Oh god its the most adorable!" Dont ever do that to me again ! Whats your problem anyway ?! " Do that again, just kidding no. I am so mad right now my heart is beating fast." Really sorry Jp, I just want to walk with you that's all " He say with a pouty lips. I swear to god he just look so adorable.

" Okay " I give up because seriously he is so cute." Really ?! That means we're friends now ? " He smiled , i nod then smiled back " Well umm Zayn can I ask you something ? " I ask biting my lip while were both walking. " Yes.. Just except the about the boys beating me up " He say , being serious now. Woah , is he just Bipolar ? Because he acts like it and its so confusing


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