** Chapter 31 **

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Chapter 31

4 days left until the school was over, 4 days left until Jp have to go on a vacation. 4 days has passed, and Jp haven't saw Zayn yet. And 4 more days until Jp will give up on trying to wishing on Zayn to go back again. Jp knew not to waste her love for him, but she also knew to move on when everything isn't working anymore.

" Jp? You seem off... are you thinking about HIM again? " Liam asked while Niall and Harry was waiting in line to buy us all pizza. Yes, the squad ( me , sunshine, Niall, Harry and Liam ) are having a moment together. " Yeah.. its just... I really miss him you know? " I sighed honestly. " same here, i wonder what he is doing right now " sunshine adds in.

" he's probably just doing some video games " Niall entered our discussion while they sat on their chairs. " or watch some movies, i hear'd theres this new movie! " Harry chimes ( A/n: in WITH HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF! CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR NO! Sorry some.. P!atd moment hahaha..... bye )

then with that, everyone almost forgot Zayn. they all just had fun for the day, not worrying about something or someone anymore. of course, Jp still misses Zayn... she wants to know where he is or who is he with or what he is doing. But was it even worth it? was it even worth thinking about someone who you wasn't sure if it was thinking you back?

Love is such an unpredictable word, Jp thought. She never knew you had to face these great dangers if you fall for someone. She was just a girl , she had dreams she have the future. But when Zayn come around, She become the stars, she's facing her dreams of her future. yes, love can give you the greatest thing, yet also can give you your worst nightmares.

Love is also to feel broken, love is about hurting too... and that's when you realize you're in love when you feel the physical pain in your chest. an aching feeling where all you wishes for is someone to be with forever, or perhaps always. But love wasn't easy, and never will be. You have to face great dangers to win the ultimate love.

But do you know that? IF you knew that then why your still in love with him? Do you really think you can win that Love? even if the possibilities is so unclear? Love is about everything, it also includes death. physical or mental. Love can make your life the bestest thing you'll ever had. But Love can also be one of the reason why you're now buried deep underground.Now where did really Zayn go? after his heart got broken and fallen into thousands of pieces?


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