** Chapter 33 **

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Chapter 33

" JP!! "

Jp turned around to see Niall faced sweat and he look like he just run a miles. " Niall? " she rea-sured and Niall gulp trying to tell her something even if he's tired. " Jp listen, you have to listen ! " Niall panic and Jp felt confuse, she was listening. " What? What is it? "

" ITS ZAYN! " he shouted and Jp felt her every blood rushed. The familiar named makes her smile and worried. " Wh-what , whe-re is he? " she asked and Niall bit his lip with nervousness

" He's in the hospital ! And you have to go right now ! C'mon ! " And Niall hold jp's hand as they both run to his car. Jp don't know what to do or what to say when she see's him there. But what happen that he ended up in a hospital?

When they arrived at the hospital, Jp felt her heart beat as every step she make. Like everyone could hear it if everyone listened carefully she's scared. dug dug dug they entered the elevator dug dug dug Niall clicked to the 3'rd floor, dug dug dug the elevator opened as they run to a room 60.

and when she opened the door, dugdugdug-------- her heart almost feel like it stopped too. Seeing Sunshine there crying, tears in her eyes shouting words and Niall hugs her. Zayn is lifeless


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