** Chapter 19 **

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Chapter 19

Word count: 800+ wow

Author's note: What iss my life m8. Also sorry If I haven't upload last few days, I'm sick rn too. Uhgg help me 

JP is confuse, we'll these months she is already. From the first night she met Zayn until now and it was changing her normal life. She wasn't even thinking about how to find someone in the darkness before! She use to hate the dark sky and the windy breeze and the silent. But now, she is craving for it. She wants to feel the emptiness, the coldness where you'd like to wear coat on and just sip a hot coffee. And look at the stars, oh, the stars was the most beautiful thing about the darkness. The shiny light of a little stars stands out more in the darkness, and she like it.

She like to see the way that even if its so dark, there's a light to look up on. Suddenly she remembered Zayn. The word he use to say to her, the time when she told him she don't like the darkness ' You don't have to be afraid of Darkness ' and she wondered why again. Was it because Darkness wasn't really that bad? or did she misunderstood that Darkness is scary? There's so much thing to know about the night, also on Zayn.

Zayn is still her friend, even if he act like an amateur before. She know that it hurt when you have to accept a truth, or her doesn't really have any feelings for Zayn. But does Zayn know how hard it is for her too? That she wants to remain the friendship but not sure now because you might hurt that someone? Jp don't want any of her friends to get hurt, yet she can't do anything about it when it does. That's how hard life it is for her.

She sat on the bench, the street is empty and silent by the darkness and she wasn't even scared. She is calm, alone but calm. She don't feel like talking to somebody anyway, she just want to stay silent. Or maybe just get a little rest from what happened. You see, JP here is real confuse, the events and the puzzles Zayn made to her is real madness. She don't know how to handle it. Or do anything.

Instead of going home, she look at the pretty stars maybe searching for some constallations. She saw CETUS and some other Zodiac sign one. Cool she thought, she even made an imagination of stars as Letters and names from it. Like her friends Liam and Harry or even Zayn. And then there comes Zayn in her head again ! She hate it, she hate the way she care too much for Zayn that she forgot to think for herself. She sighed.

" Hey why are you alone out there? " She look up to see Niall, blue eyes staring at her. He seem'd like he cried earlier. " Just thinking deep. You? " She ask back, Niall shrugg " Nothing, just.. thinking deep too " He replied. He sat beside her and look at the stars too. " I hate the stars " He said suddenly and JP looked at him. " Why? I think they are beautiful " She honestly said.

" They are too many to many, and they are blocking the sky. " He said. " They are the night sky, the sky this time would be just black " Jp looked at the stars too, wondering if there are no stars it would be just empty, dull and ugly. " But the dark sky gives an outstand of the moon, stars are attention seekers that we forgot that the Moon is the most beautiful among them "

" Whatever, it's your opinion " Jp said, she smile at their differences. Zayn loves the darkness, Jp love the stars and Niall here love the Moon. She wonder what's the reason behind them liking it. " What are you thinking about earlier anyway? " Niall ask, JP almost forgot that Niall is the one who is hurting Zayn. " Why do you beat Zayn? "

" Answer me first " Niall fight smirking and Jp just roll her eyes at him yet she decide to answer him. " Just about how hard life is " She says, not everything but enough for him to understand. " I beat Zayn because he deserve it. " He replied, she decided not to ask more since Niall look like he had a rough time earlier too. She don't want to cause problems to other people yet she is always involved to everyone's problems.

They talked for another minutes and made each other laugh on some weird jokes, they even talked about how Alpaca's should marry a Llama or like that. " Are you sure you are a bad boy? " Jp laughs and Niall just smiled humming while drumming his fingers on his thighs. " Yep ! Bad boy from Ireland ! " He whined and Jp laugh at his weirdness again. " you know we should be friends " Jp said smiling. " Yes we should "


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