Me? ice cream? blood- what!?

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Wow- its been SO long, yes thats my art- ik ik grose af- but idc so you wanna say its bad then-

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You know what- might as well just-

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Now thatvthats out of the way-

°'¬~·Roman pov·~¬'°

Oh. My. God. I GOT HIS PHONE NUMBER!! Best part is I only had to beg a little!! Shit im walking down a hall, I need to watch where I'm goin-

Just as I thought that I ran into someone, oh no... Not just any someone, of course its my brother's boyfriend. Im not sayong he's bad, I'm just saying I can NEVER understand what he means! I'm on the ground, he is on the ground. I need to make my escape. And fast. I stand and go to run and-

"Where do you think you're going?" Fuck "seems you really are a prince, not leaving me om this floor with all the help I could need to get up." See what I mean!? He is so sarcastic, worse than Charly Frown.

"Sorry my bad Janice, (idk how to spell his name so like- of I'm wrong correct me in the correction spot-) I wasnt paying attention." I say as I walk to him and hold out my hand. As to witch he takes and polls himself up.

"I couldn't tell." He looks at me, "you know honestly sometimes your brother is more polite than you." He smerks and pits his hat back on.

"You snake... We are talking about the same person right? Anyway, why are you over here?" I ask, like I said, he's not bad just hard to understand. We are friends but not really good ones, I really only know him because of my brother.

"Kathy." He says coldly with a bitter voice.

"What? Why? Or what is it this time and why do you still hang out with her?" i sigh, Kathy. One of the most popular kids in school, we used to be on good terms till she threatened me and my Emos happyness. Anyway-

"You know I can leave her, she doesn't have something against me that could ruin my life" right forgot about that, "and I'm not, here because she's making me become friends with the new kid." After Virgil again... She'll have to go soon..

"Really?" I looked at him.

"Ya, hope he has drama or I'll be at class for no reason."

"That's right- I forgot you had drama, but Kathy does too why doesn't she do it herself?"

"Because she has tried and failed because new kid does like her." He said angry "WHATS THE POINT IF HE DOESNT LIKE HER!? ITS SO DUMB!"

"Ya that does seem really dumb.." I look around to see little to no one, "come on lets walk to class, just like old times Mr.Snake" he laughs and we walk to class.

Time skip made possible by the question of if Janice has a snake mouth

School had ended and I was left sitting on the bus just looking from my phone from the number Virge gave me. Oh seriously- ive been doing this far to long. I'm the prince and I'm never scared! I'll killed like 7 Dragon witches! not to mention other people... BESIDES THE POINT!! My point is I dont get scared. Never have never will. Not like he's gonna kill me if I say the wrong thing. ( ;)))) get it? ) ya. I can do this. What an emotional time for me. I turned on my phone and typed in the number, how should I start? IVE GOT IT!!

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