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Hey besties, it's been too long. And I told you I wasn't gonna discontinued this stupid ass book-

If you guys are ever feeling like shit or just wanna be my friend you can text me- anyway- enough sappy shit- ONTO THE NEW CHAPTER!!

~Roman pov~

To nights the night that I stay at Virgils house! I wonder what his mom will be like.. OH YA! I gotta text my mom to make sure that she knows where I am tonight! She'll be so happy!

I open my phone and see a random number, huh how strange I don't remember giving anyone my number.. I open the. Text to see what it was, let's just say I was both shocked and enraged at the same time.

Unknown: stay away from VV.

Unknown: he's mine.

Unknown: if you don't leave him now then I'll make him leave you.

I block the number and put my phone down, there's only one person that calls Virgil VV, and that's Kathy. It seems she's a bigger threat then I thought. I grind my teeth I have promised Remus that I wouldn't kill again, so I'll just have to scare her off. But if she gets to close I'll rip her arms off then I'll feed them to-

"Whatcha thinking about Ro?" I hear Virgils wonderful voice ask, I hadn't even heard him approaching me in the first place, "You seem mad are you okay?" He asked as he rubbed my back, this symbol action had made all the difference to me and calmed me down. I took a breath in and looked at him.

"It's nothing, just... someone bothering me." I replied and looked at him. Virgil was in a dark purple hoodie and some holloween ghost pants. He looked so cute and hot at the same time it should be illegal, I smiled and hugged him. It took a few seconds but he hugged back. This was nice, I never want to leave his arms.

"Common princy let's go to my room, we can watch another movie, but we do have school tomorrow so we should get some sleep." He says pulling away and taking my hand. He leads me up the stairs and into his room. Halfway though the movie I fall asleep in his arms, this is the best way to live.

°•▪︎Virgil pov▪︎•°

After Roman fell asleep I carefully got put of his iron grip and walked to my computer, I must find a new spot here to commit my 'crimes'. I start to look at houses that are for sale and look around the yard. If it's true that the government can track what you look up then I have to be careful as to not draw suspicion to me.

After looking for some time I find a spot that would be perfect for my little secret and write down the location, next I need a plan to get Kathy there...

Time skip

The plan and place have been set, it's around 4am and I have to be awake at 6 for school, I've had less time to sleep I guess.... I put my stuff away in a hidden spot and climb back into bed with Roman, my plan has to work, or I could lose him.. with that thought I feel asleep.


Instead of waking up to my annoying ass alarm clock I woke up to a kiss on the forehead from my prince, I keep my eyes closed but move my hand up to let him know that I was awake, it was peaceful. If I could wake up like this everyday I'd just get rid of the annoying ass alarm clock I have, I grab him by the waist and pull him into a hug. I never wanna let go-


My eyes snap open and my arm shoots out hitting the annoying ass object, "fuck" I mumble as I sit up. "Fuckn' annoying ass- shitty fucking alarm-" I string of cuss words fill my Vocabulary as I get up to get dressed, that's when I hear the most beautiful thing ever, Roman giggles. I look over my shoulder with a scowl but it goes away when I see him look so happy. I smiled and threw one of my red shirts to me, it was blood red. Patton had gotten it for me as a birthday gift, I wear it sometimes but only because I'd feel bad if I didnt..

He smiles and slips the shirt on. He grabbed his pants from yesterday and walked to the bathroom, after he's gone I get dressed too. I put on a black mcr shirt and then a black and gray checkered sweater, I slip on my black ripped jeans and black convers, then walk out the room. "Did you wear that yesterday?" Roman asked in a teasing tone, I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it before I make you walk to school" I shoot back picking up my backpack from the ground and throwing it over my shoulder.

"Hump- you wouldn't do that.." He says now next to me, walking out the door with me. I open the garage and grab the spare helmet I had and give it to him.

"You're gonna want that in, also hold on tight." I said as I sat on the bike, he got on behind me and we were off. As we pull up to the school I see Patton and Logan waiting in the spot we agreed to meet up at. I also see a large group of kids standing there watching in aw as I pull into the parking lot. The fucks there problem?

~♡Patten pov♡~

I see Virge and Ro pulling into the school parking lot, I'm so happy the two of them are getting along! But as me and LoLo were waiting for them to get parked and hang with us I hear a group of girls next to us.

"Who's that on the back of hotties bike?"

"Who da fuck is dat"

"I wish I was the one on the back of his bike.."

"Pish as if"

And they just keep going on and on, sheesh can't wait till they find out he's gay.. aw my little gay son. I smile as him and Roman remove their helmet and all the girls all stand in shock once they see its a guy with him. Hmm that was fast- I giggle as they walk to me, Virgil had his arm around Ro's waist and they were walking close together. That's when it hit me.

"OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDD!! ARE YOU TWO DATING!? YESS! MY SON IS GROWING UP SO FAST! I REMEMBER WHEN YOU FIRST YOUD NEVER EVEN LOOK AT A GIRL- WITCH I MEAN YOU ARE STILL LIVING BY BUT STILLLLL!!!!" I start to fangirl, or fanboy and all the girls join me taking about how cute they are and stuff. Virge only smirked and pulled RoRo closer to him, oh no.. he seems anxious, I grab his had and Roman chances his jaw. Awwwww so cute-

"Don't worry RoRo, it's just a dads job to help his son when he needs help." I said smiling and taking Virge inside and away for the crowds. We ended up in the drama room. "Hey, you okay kiddo?" He looks at me and shaks his head.

"Not really" was his reply as he looked down,

"Why's that?"

"Just way to many people were around us, it made me feel trapped and I couldn't take it.. they were too close. And not to mention-" he takes a deep breath "Kathy knows that I've killed someone and is trying to blackmail me. And I don't have anything I could use to.. keep her quiet. " He looks at me, I know what he means by that. I swallow my sliva and look at him,

"Maybe you shouldn't kill her then.." was my small response. He sighs,

"I'm sorry Pat, I know you don't like when I talk about my, um, hobbies, but could you help me? You don't need to do anything bad, I just need an alibi." He looks at me, I don't know what to do, so I do what I've always done.

"Fine, but you have to stop this before it's too late." He looks at me and smiles a crazy smile, he's never really scared me after I got to know him, but he's still a really creepy guy.. I look down and sigh,

"Virge I can't keep doing this, I love you but killing isn't nice, you have to stop. I dont want to see you or anyone else in pain." He gets up and hugs me,

"I know pat, I know, but I only kill the people this world could live without. " even though I know it's still wrong I nood finding comfort in that. He backs up and looks at me. "This will be the last time I ask for help Pat," I smile and nod, Virge isn't bad. He was just troubled.


Heyyyyy it's been a real fucking long time since I've last posted but I'm here now soooooo- ya- hope you liked that chapter, 1580 words, ummmmmm ya, hope you guys be doing good. Ya that's all ig- till next time besties,

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