fucking hate gym class.

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This IS a chapter- finely right? Sorry it's been so long, but shits been really tough- but I can finely write again- thx everyone, for reading my story and dealing with what we all hate most, unnecessary cliffhangers. I hate those- but anyway, hope you like this chapter-

No one's pov:

The lunch bell rang, Virgil let go of Roman. Remus, Janus, and Virgil all walked to gym class together. "For fucks sake, why the hell do we have to have gym!?" Virgil asked not wanting to go into the locker room and change, he hated the smell of sweat and ax body spray. But he also hated the idea of people seeing all of his scars, that was a big no-no for him.

"Don't get your panties in a twist Virg, you can always change in the bathrooms." Remus said, you could tell he was joking but at the same time; HOW TF DID HE KNOW!?

"Ya is such a big deal, just do stress about it, I'm sure no one will care about how weak you are." Janus replied as sarcastic as ever. Virgil just laughed lightly at what he said, they reached the gym and went into the locker rooms, Virgil kept his hoodie on and just put his gym shirt over it and didn't change his sweatpants either, Remus but on his shiny gray gym shorts and then also his gym shirt. Janus didn't change, he hated the gym teacher so he never changed.

"So VV how's you and my brother going?" Remus asked wiggling his eyebrows at Virgil as they walk out of the gym room and into their lines, waiting for attendance to be done.

"1. NEVER call me that again, and 2. I don't know? Good? Just me and him don't see eye to eye on something really important..." Virgil responded looking away from the mustach teenager. "And I mean really important..." He grabs his phone from his pocket and connects it to his earbuds, turns on his music and stops playing attention to everyone else in the class.

~•~ time skip to after school~•~

Virgil walks into the forest and to a small hut like room. He didn't know if his plan would work because he hadn't signed the note but you never know. He stood by one of the trees and waited, it only took about 5 minutes for her to start walking up.

"O.M.G. VIRGY!? YOURE THE ONE WHO GAVE ME THAT NOTE!? I KNEW YOU WOULD COME TO YOUR SENSES!!" Kathy yelled as she ran up to him and jumped onto him giving him a big hug. "Hehehe I knew I was your type!"

Virgil didn't expect this reaction to what was in the letter, but he didn't like it. Her perfume was so strong he almost passed out, but he had to stay strong. This had to be done to prevent her from fucking up his relationship and from telling the world of what he had done. "Heh ya... I've even planned a date for you in here.. so you should get off?"

"Okay!" She said beaming, I can't wait to rub this in Roman's face... I just took his man! Kathy thought with a little evil snicker, they walked into the small little hut, "ah Virgy? What's all this?" She said looking at the various torture devices. Then looking back at him with fear in her eyes.

"Nothing just some tools for a hobby of mine. Want anything to drink?" He asked as he went into the small kitchen he had in the hut,

"Yes, how about some pink lemonade?" She asked pushing her boobs out a little to try and get Virgles attention, surprise surprise, it didn't work.

"Lucky for you I have just that.." He said without even sparing a glance at her, he too the drink and then the drug and put it into the cup and mixed it all in, " Here," he handed her the cup of lemonade and then walked behind her.

" this tastes really good but not as good as y-" and just like that she passed out. I cant kill her, Patten said it would be a bad idea. So for now I'll just erase her memory with this little drug. He took out her phone and deleted all trases of her knowledge about him and then lifted her up, he took her home, luckily her parents weren't home yet. He set her down in her bed and called it a night, he walked home and burned the note.

This should do for now, but if she gets in the way again he'll have to put a permit end to it. Till then he'll make Patton happy and not do anything to her other then this. After he got home he sat down in his bed and grabbed his phone out, and texted Roman,

V: hey you busy tonight?

R: Nope! Family game night got canceled 😞, why?

V: well I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over and spend the night?


Virgil sighed and put his phone down, he then walked downstairs and turned on Netflix, he plans to watch a Disney movie with Romen once he got there, so he made some popcorn too.

Some time went by and he heard the front door open and a voice yelling "Your Prince is here!!" Virgil just scoffed lovingly at him and walked out into the living room placing the hot chocolate and popcorn down on the small table he had. "Virgil you have no idea how much I missed you!" He said as he hugged him placing his face in Virgils neck and smiling.

" Its only been like 2 hours?" Virgle laughed putting his arms around Roman's waste and kissing his forehead,

"Two hours to many!" Roman said back as he let go of Virgil and sitting down on the couch.

"You're so Clingy.. how do I even put up with you?" Virgle said back in a Joking voice, sitting down next to him and grabbing the remote. "What movie do you want to watch?"

Time skip

Both of the highschool students feel asleep, with Roman on top of Virgil and his head in his chest and Virgils arms rapped around his waist once again. All was perfect, for now.


1060 words, HOLYFUCK IM SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG- thanks for waiting- and I'll try to post more often, just like I said yesterday so much shit has been going on and ya? But I'll try to rap up this story and maybe start a new one? Who knows? But I do know where I want to go with it so I'll post a little faster- or I'll try to anyway? It's nice to be back tho, see ya' next time-

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