it-it cant be....

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°·'´ Patton pov '´·°
(look at that Patton is here, OoOoOo)

Its been so long since ive seen my friend.... I wonder how he is doing.. Ive been friends with him for so long then his parents died and we became even closer because he had to go to my orphanage.. Then I got adopted at 10 and had to move out here. Its been 8 years since I last seen him and on the day that I get back to school after being sick I hear that there is a new kid! I cant wate to meet them! But first I have to find Logie and Roman im sure they miss me. Logie and I dont have many classes together because he is in the advanced classes, witch is sad because I miss him but I can still see him at lunch and gym. Anyway! Time to see my friends!

I started to walk down the hall to go find them when I finally make it to wear we always hang out I see Lo and Ro are there already. Thats great! I walk over to them I dont think that they noticed me yet... So I walk behind them and lissen to what they are talking about

"Logan I know you might think that its to soon but.... I dont know! It just happened!" I hear Roman say. "What do you mean it just happened? Its only been a week since your last..... Brake up?" What? Does Roman already have a new crush?? Thats not good.... Its only been a week since the last incident... "I know that its only been a week but... He is just so cute! And, and he doesn't give a Shi-" I cut Roman off by saying: "language!!" He jumped "ahh, pat.... Its just.. Umm.... You, whan did you get here?" "Just as you started to talk about your new... Crush." I answered "oh" "so what do you like about him?" I ask in an attempt to know more. "Well... He isn't really afraid of anything... Or anyone as it seems and his dark brown and purple hair is just so cool looking with his buzz cut.. And- I dont know! I love all of him..." He said as he blushed and scratches the back of his neck.

"Very touching. But it's still only been a week sine your last one. We dont need people getting suspicious. You can befriend him but wate to date him." Logan said as he started to walk off and me and Roman followed him into the school "fine I can deal with that... (For now)...." Roman mumbold the last part of his sentence. "Well must be going to my class now." Logan said as he walked away to class and me and Roman went to our classes.

×.°* Time skip to lunch
Roman pov *°·×

Lunch time~ im happy because after lunch I can go see Lo and pat and plus it's pizza roll day! I cant wate. As I was going to the lunch room I saw Virgil walking the opposite way, into the library. "VIRGIL!" I yell running after him and I see him stop and look at me as I catch up to him "W- *cough* what do you want?" He asked in his deep voice. "Well I wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me and my friends for lunch?" I ask him and he looks at me like im crazy "What?" I ask confused at to why hes looking at me like that. "Well last time I checked you hated me." He answered "Ya.... Sorry about that..... You just looked scary and I put my gard up..." Not a lie that was one of the reasons "and than I released that, that was wrong of me.. Im sorry can you give me a second chance?" Man, I'm good. But am I good enuff? "Sigh" did he just sigh?? "Fine. But if you think I'm scary now..." He paused "wate till you get on my bad side." He said and after that sentence I got chills. How can someone be so... menacing?  "So, how about lunch?" He asked braking me from my thoughts. "Y-ya come with me!" I said and I started to walk to the lunchroom with him, "who many people will be there? From what I know you're pretty popular." He asked "well it will just be my friend Logan-" "Logan, Logan Barry?" He asked before I could finish "uh ya, how do you know him?" I ask confused. "We are in the same class." WHAT? How can they be in the same class? Logan is in one of the smart kid class? "Well- um we're here.." I said as we sat down at the table that me Lo and Pat all sit at. And Carol walked over to me and started to talk to me until Logan got there and said "get out of my spot Carol, and stop trying to win Roman over. He is gay" Logan said and Virgil just snickered "oh Virgil? Why are you here?" Logan asked looking over at him "Roman gave me an invitation to come over." He said and he played with the strings of his hoodie and Logan just gave me the- 'so you like him' look and i just nodded and before Lo could even sit down patton came running into the room and sat down not even noticing Virgil until I said " Patton wernt you excited to see the new kid?" I asked and Carol got up and moved to the other side of Logan as he sat down and Virgil looked up at the name. "Ya but I couldn't find th-" I cut him off buy pointing at Virgil and he looked over to him and they made eye contact and patton and Virgil both shot up out of their seats and hugged. What is happening? Why can Patton hug him and not me!? Logan must have seen the look in my eyes because he put his hand onto my shoulder to calm me down. "Kiddo I missed you." "I missed you too dad."

End JK

Dad what does he mean by dad? They are like the same age. "Sorry, you must be confused." Part said looking at us and pulling away from the hug "so its a long story but i think we have time." Pat said as the two sat back down and Virgil nodded his head.

To be continued.
Look at that im putting in new people 1090 words and I hope you enjoyed. Bye!

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