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*_* Kathy Pov *_*

°· Kathy- age 7 °·

"MOM! DAD!" I yell as my mom and dad just sit on there asses and dont play with me. "What is it Kath?" My dad asks "PLAYYYYY WITHHHH MEEEEEEEE!" I yell at them "Im sorry hunny bun but we are very busy right now, why don't you go and play with the neighbors boys?" But the kid with the purple hair is scary!" I yelled at my mom, They NEVER do anything for me!

"Come on im sure he cant be that bad.." My dad said trying to help my mom out "But one of his eyes are purple! And, and, and, his other eye were the white is supposed to be is purple too!!" I yell " And he is scary be 'cause all he does is is, is-" "Kathy its not nice to judge people buy how they look." My mom cuts me off. "Fine I'll try and play with him." I said as I started to walk off "and if you dont like him you can just.... Play with his older brother." "Ok.... Fine, bye mom and dad!" I said as I walked out of the house and to the neighbor's house and knocked on the door.

The scary boy answered the door. "What?" He asked "I was wondering if we could play?" I asked as my hands started to twitch as I grew more and more scared at the way he was looking at me. " really? You want to play with me?" My eyes lit up as I released that he might let me play "Ya! You seem like fun! Plus you have cool eyes!" "U-um sure w-we can play, whats your name?" "Kathy!"

*.'°· 4 years later still Kathy pov ·°'.*

It was the first day of school and I was walking over to Virgils house so we could walk to school together. I dont really like him but.... I get popular by being around him people think that im nice because of it, but I still think he is scary, who has purple eyes anyway!? Plus when we hang out he just talks about how he hates his family, we live in a pretty rich point in town so maybe it's because they're working so much, I dont know?

Anyway as I was walking to his house (he lives across the Street) I see him sitting on his porch looking at a knife, creepy..... " Hi'a Virgil! What are you doing?" I ask when I get to him " don't worry about it.." He said as he put the knife into his backpack and got up, "are you ready to go?" He asked in a low voice like he always talks. "Ya! Let's go!"

_., time skip ,._

"Hay kathy?" Virgil asks as he looks at me, "Ya virg?" "What do tou think of me?" Shit.... "I think that you're a cool kid! And you know your way around a knife witch is a cool job to have!" I said please believe me please believe me... I think to myself as he just looks at nuthing "is that true?" "Of course! Why would I lie to you?" Because you're scared of what I might do." He said as he walked into his house and leaves me on his porch alone... What was all that about? How did he know? Am I in trouble? What is he going to do? Will he hert me? No, he might look scary but he wont hert me. Im his only friend, other than that Patton kid....  My mind was racing as I walked back to my house..

After a couple minutes I noticed that the car in the driveway was gone. Were could they have gone too?

'?°· two days later ·°?'

I was watching TV when a breaking news report came on and it said that

'Two days ago the Black family was in a car accident the person that was driving the car that crashed into the car is alive but there was only one server of the Black family, the younger of the two brothers Virgil A Black, he was the one who saved the other man before his car was set to flames but he couldn't get to his family in time he is a true hero...' What Virgil is on his own?? He never liked them did he do this on purpose?.... No he couldn't have. He might be creepy but he can't be a psycho...

I decided to walk to his house and see if he was okay but when I got there I saw that the orphan kid, Patton I think his name was, was already there, so I decided to listen to there conversation. "Pat im so happy!" "Why are you happy?" "Because they are all finally gone!" " shouldn't you be a little bit more worried kiddo?" "Why should I be?" "Because now you have no family.." " I don't need them.. You are my only true friend... And the only one I can trust right now, so I need you to help me.." "Okay kiddo what is it?" "Help me make it look like I am sad." "Okay" "Im just so glad that they are finally gone.." 

What the hell? So he did do it on purpose.... And the patton kid knows and he is not scared?? No, ive been 'friends' with a psycho. No this needs to stop! I burst into the house. "You Psychopathic jerk! I cant believe we were ever friends! I never even liked you!! I just did this because it made me look good!!! I'm going to tell the cops!" I yell and he doesn't even flinch, no he just stars at me and gets up. "You think you can just do that? Dont think that I didn't know about all the times you talked about me behind my back and all of your other friends too..." "H-how did you know?" This is too scary he know the hole time? Than why did he stay friends with me? "Ya I knew and.... I dont care, who are the police going to believe, you a cheating liar? Or me, the one who selflessly save the life of a father of five children?" "W-what a-re you going to d-o?" I asked as I choked back at the sob realizing that I was screwed.. "Im going to make sure you never tell, Kathy..." And with that he stabed me with a syringe full of pink liquid.

-.One day later-.

I woke up panting, what kind of dream was that, I hate the neighbor kid good thing im moving tomorrow..

1103 words
Now this is why he doesn't like Kathy, and only he knows, ok? So now can he kill her?

Anyway i hope you have a good night/day.


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