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Virgil was upset, no, he was pissed off.

He was still in this damn interrogation room, not only was his anger going up. But so was his anxiety, ironic isn't it? He's a serial killer, he's a smart on at that, who's name is Anxiety, but he also has anxiety.

"I'm telling you, I didn't do that. Just cuz I was in contact with the victims doesn't mean I did the killing! I have a valid alibi too!" Virgil tried to reason with the detective,

"I know, but you're the only suspect we have."

"Look at my grades. I can help find who did it. You can even watch over me,"

"Your grades are impressive, but we can't let you in on the investigation. "

"But you can, you can use me as an inside man, like... a spy"

"But that's not in the law, we cant"

"You can though" He paused "if you were to let me intern here, then I could work as a spy." He looked at the detective, no objections yet,  "look. I'm moving soon, school is over and I got a scholarship to a college that's not in this town, I'm leaving in a month. If I can't be of any use to finding the killer..... then you can come back to me, but if, no, WHEN I find the killer, you never bother me again."

He looks at Virgil, sighs, and walks out. After about 10 minutes he comes back

"Okay," the detective sighs for the 30th time today, "we can't just let you be our, as you call it 'inside man'" He said putting quotes around inside man, "but, we will take you up on your other offer " He said smiling like he just won the lottery.

"Other offer?" Virgil asked confused, he didn't remember making another deal,

"Ya! Other offer, we will put you under watch for two weeks, if we don't find anything out then it's not you. However, if we do, then you better hope you have a good lawyer. " the detective answered. Virgil sat there shocked, and, you guessed it, anxious. "That's not a problem is it?"

"What do you mean by under watch?" Virgil asks not looking up from his hands. "Are you gonna bug my house or make someone follow me around "

"We'll have you under patrol, a cop will be with you at all times." He answered simply, "now, get up you can go home. You're a smart kid, I hope you didn't do this." Were the detectives finale words before he left.

Virgil sighs and glares at his hands, pushing himself away from the table as he stood up in anger. Looking down at the chair that fell to the floor he let's out an angry sigh. Walking out of the room, he sees a short man with brown hair standing by the door.

"You're Virgil right?" The short man asked, causing Virgil to just nod in response. "Not much of a talker huh? Well, I'm officer Martin, I'll be the one keeping an eye on you for the next two weeks"

Virgil just grunts and nods his head, already annoyed by this random person, "are you gonna be staying at my house too?" He asked half joking and half serious.

"Umm, ya, no.. you're just a suspect, " he said in an awkward voice,

Must be new Virgil thought to himself,  "well, officer Martin, I have a date to get to, will you be there as well?" Virgil has never been more grateful that his voice is usually indifferent.

"Umm, ya, but I won't be sitting with you." Martin was very awkward, so to save him some trouble Virgil just nodded and started to walk away. With Martin close behind.

There's no way they hired him if he's like this. It's gotta be an act.. if it is I should be extra careful..

Virgils mind was going 100 miles a minute trying to think of a way to get this officer off his back. Sending himself into a endless path of what ifs, he didn't even notice his phone ring in his pocket.

"Umm, sir, your phone, it's ringing" Martin said causing Virgil to jump and snap out of his thoughts.

"R-right, thanks." He said as he grabbed his phone. "Hello?" He asked after putting the device to his ear

"Are you on your way yet? You're late, and I tried texting you.. but you didn't respond "

It was Roman,

Virgil looked at the time, 3:25pm. In big bright numbers looked back at him,

"Fuck! Sorry princy, I got caught up in some shit, I'll be there in 5" Virgil said starting to brake into a run to try and make it to Roman's faster,

"Take it easy, you're fine. Don't panic, and you can tell me all about it when you get here. No rush, " was the response he got. He just nodded knowing that Roman couldn't see him, but he didn't care.

Hanging up the phone he continues to run forgetting about what Roman said and that there was a cop right behind him running too.

He finally made it to the house and in full panick forgets everything and just jumps onto his unsuspecting boyfriend, who was nice enough to wait outside for him.

"Hey hey hey, calm down, it's okay," Roman said running his fingers through Virgils hair. Virgil just held onto Roman's waist tighter. "What happened, why do you seem so shaken up?"

"Look behind me.." Virgil responded not moving to let him,

"You have to move, you're taller then me and I can't see though you" Virgil just nods and let's go of his boyfriend and moves to let him see the cop "wha- why is a cop behind you?"

"They think I killed 2 randos " He answered with going to hug a frozen Roman. "Don't be so tense, I didn't kill them,  " this is technically not a lie, he didnt kill the ones they think he did.

"Ya I know" Roman said making his shoulders not as tense. "I- I need to tell you something really important later.. will you stay at my house tonight?" Roman asked trying to remain natural.

"Ya, let go inside for now, right,"  Virgil paused, he finely calmed down and looked back at the cop "Officer Martin, this is Roman, my boyfriend. "

1060 words, I hope you liked it, been awhile but I'm back and not dead. This book is coming to an end though, so stick around for a little longer.

And remember:
say pizza to drugs, say yes to no.

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