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Fucking SHIT-  lmao- exams are a bitch- anyway, enjoy this chapter-

No pov:
School has come to an end for the 6 men, they were able to escape the rath of Kathy after the eventful time in the woods.... Virgil and Roman still in a healthy relationship with Patton and Logan getting together and Remus and Janus growing closer to the other 4.

All in all, it was a good year for all of them. Well, almost all of them. Virgil, finally having a place to do what he loves most had drawn the attention away from happiness of Anxiety being gone to, WHEN THE FUCK DID THEY GET TO FLORIDA!? Not only that but resently people have been going missing that he didn't kill.

Virgil had little to no idea who was causing these other killings and didnt intend to find out, till the cops showed up at his door.

"Are you Virgil Black?" Someone at the door asked, he was somewhat tall with brown hair and a beard.

"Uh... ya? W-why?" He responded. He knew that this was probably just a random man that my need his help but with his social anxiety, and a gut feeling, he knew this was not going to be good.

"Okay good, I'm detective Kitz Woermann. And I'm here to qustion you about the recent deaths of Anny Leonhart and James West, it seems that the two may have been in contact with you before their deaths." The man spoke, of course he was here about that. It does make sense, even though he had barely known the two and had had little exposure to them, of course they would end up at his house.

"Ya sure come in, would you like anything to drink?" He asked, stepping aside to let him in. He may be one of their only leads but he wasn't as anxious anymore; he knew that he didn't do those murders. He may be a killer, but hes not stupid, he wouldn't kill people all that close to him unless he can make it seem like an accident..

"No thank you, now shall we begin? And as you should know this conversationis being recorded. " The detective asked as he moved into the house and sat on the couch, Virgil nodded and sat across from the man. "Okay, where were you on the night of December 13th?" He asked getting right to the point.

"I was at my friend's house baking cookies. " He said as he started to pull out his phone, "need proof?"

"Yes." He replied simply and Virgil got out his phone calling Patton

"Hay kiddo! What's up? Calling to ask about summer plans already?" Patton answered after two rings of the phone,

"No actually, do you remember what we doing on December 13th?" He asked, being vague like that and getting the answer he needed from him was sure to lock his story in place,

"Of course I do! We made your favorite chocolate chip cookies! Why do you ask?"  He responded sounding happy as ever.

"No reason just had to ask, goodbye Patton."

"Oh! Okay goodbye kiddo! Talk you you later" and with that he hung up.

"It seems your story checks out. But as you may know those two were found dead near here and they didn't seem to many other contact with others but you. With that do you know where they may have been?" The detective asked, even though he said his story checked out he could tell that the mad didn't buy it. But even so, what a cheap trick.

"No I have no idea where they could have been found. Also, wasn't that not announced to the public yet? No one knows." He responded, that was the truth, not only was it not shown to publicly eyes yet, but he really hadn't done it.

"Ya, you're right. Silly of me to ask, sorry. But seeing as you're still our only lead, I need to take you back to the station so you can take a lie detector test." All Virgil did was nod back not seeing the point in fighting back, he was insist, well, for this crime anyway. With that the two walk out of the house and head to the police station.

'Damn... getting me involved, to whoever whoever killed them I'm going to find you, and teach you a lesson myself. Then turn you in. Damn-' Virgil thought to himself pissed at the fact that he was in a cop care, and about to be qustion for a murder he didn't do.

Still no pov

  After Virgil hung up he put his phone down. 'That was odd....' he thought to myself, but he let it go and walked back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn in my hand. "Here Roman, hold this for me please!" He said as he handed the bowl to Roman and sat in between him and Logan.

"Thank you Patton" Roman said looking at him and taking a piece and eating it.

"No problem kiddo!"

"What took so long if you don't mind me asking?" Logan asked taking a bite of his crofters Jam,

"Oh, Virgil called and asked what me and him did on December 13th for some reason, so it took a bit longer to get everything ready being on the phone and all, " Logan nodded letting it go, but being rather confused as to why he would ask such a thing... then it clicked. He looked to Roman who seemed to not be paying attention,

"Hey Roman? Can I ask you a question... In the kitchen?" He asked getting up from the couch, Roman gave him a weird look but nodded and got up following him to the kitchen. "Does the date December 13th ring any bells?"

"Huh? No? Why?" He asked even more confused then he was before.

"Oh really? Are you sure? Because that's the day that you went out and killed two of the kids that were clinging to Virgil!" Logan said in a hushed voice but slightly rising it to get his point across.

"Oh ya... why do you ask anyway?" Roman said remember exactly what he had done,

"Virgil asked Patton what the two were doing on that same day, now this might be a coincidence but doesn't it seem strange?" Logan asked trying to hint him as to what he ment.

"Ya I guess, what are you getting at?" Roman said, not getting the hint,

'I knew he was dumb but not this dumb..'  Logan thought to himself with bitterness. "Don't you get it? He's probably being questioned right now because of you!" He said raising his voice, but only a little not wanting to worry the Patton that was in the living room.

"WHAT!?" Roman yelled, it made sense, they were close to him, he messed up so bad. If they tracked him down then they were sure to find him, what would Virgil think if he learned he was a killer!?

"Damn it Roman! You need to be both more careful and quiet! They are close enough to finding you! You have to stop with this. They weren't even that close to him. Get your emotions IN CHECK." Logan finished his lecture and walked away, and back to the confused Patton who was still watching the movie but obviously heard the end of what was said.

Roman stood with his head hung low. He was right, he can't let his emotions control him any longer. And more importantly, he can't let Virgil find out. Who knows what he might do! It's time to stop, and learn to control his thoughts.


It's been a while, between exams and work I had no free time, but all that's over- so I hope you like this chapter. Welp say goodbye to you local aroace guy.

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