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Look who's back back back, back again again again- I'm not dead! Kind of.- but like sorry I haven't be posting much... ANYWAY- on to the story!

°·´- Roman pov -'·°

When pat was done explaining we were all quiet and I had many questions, like

1. He doesn't have any family?
2. He and Patton were childhood friends?
3. Virgil what happened to him?

Logan was the first to speak saying "Virgil, if you and Patton were so close then why did he come here and not you?" Logan asked in his normal voice. "Well like da- I mean Patton said he was an orphan, and he got adopted not me. So he moved here when I stayed behind." Virgil said looking at Logan with a straight (ya right) face.

"So you were close?" I asked "ya but in like a 'father' 'son' way" Patton said. "So now that he is back-" Patton started surus but then had a huge smile "-WE ARE A BIG FAM-ILY NOW!" He said smiling ear to ear. "Patton that is not-" Logan started but I cut him off "ya! A big fam." I said and Logan glared at me and Virgil was silent but had a smirk on his face, and that was so cute. How can he be so cute and hot at the same time?? But he is also scary, smart, and well I dont know nice in his own way.. Man i fell fast domb brain.. And just as Logan went to talk again the bell rang "well I guess its time for class ive got (yo its me, I cant remember if he has art or drama so if I'm rong correct me)  art so lets go Drama-Prince" Virgil said to me, "hey! Im a Drama-Queen not Prince!!" I said as we walked out together and to the art room.

"So why do you want to be friends all of a sudden?" Virge asked as we walked down the hall together. "Well I dont know you seem like a cool guy, and I dont want to be on your good side you seem scary" I mumbol the last part.. "Hahaha, I cant be that scary can I?" He asked as he laughed "well ya the first time you talked to the class you said not to talk to you" I said as I nudged him and he laughed "ya I did do that.." He said then looked at me with a small smile " first impressions not the best at them.." He said then looked down "thats fine not everyone is- oh we're here!" I say then he looks at me then the door "you can go first dont wanna ruin your reputation by being seen with me." He said and just as I was going to say no he pushed me into the classroom and when I say down like 3 minutes later he walked into the room and sat in his seat in the back after he did that the teacher came in and said

"ok class it has come to my attention that not many people like each other so, I'm going to be moveing your seats" and with at she made us move to our new seats and im next to-

¥·´~Logan Pov~·'¥

After the two left the lunch room I looked at Patton and said "Roman likes Virgil" after that sentence his eyes went wide "w-what" he asked with his eyes holding nuthing but worry "thats not good Lo.." He then took my arm and took me into the closet (but her just got out. :(  ) he then looked me into the eyes and said-

"Look it might not look like it but Virge, he is really dangerous. And if Virgil likes someone he will make sure that person will never get hert,  but he doesn't know how what its like to love or be loved.." Patton said and I looked at him "what do tou mean dangerous?"

"He is (666 words) I know you know how Roman is but dont freak out.." I look at him confused "whats rong with him?" "He is Anxiety.  " Patton finishes and I look at him with wide eyes.

"The anxiety?"


704 words, its been a long time. Nice to see you again. Well not see but ya anyway! I wanna know. Next chapter locality or prinxiety?? Also. If you didn't know im doing a Q&A.

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