first kill

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AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Ok I'm done now but I'm back bitchs! Sorry but like I'm going back ti school soon so I won't be posting that much so here! Have a long ass chapter-

+×÷=% Logan pov %=÷×+

"Did you just say that he was?" I look at him with wide eyes and he looks at me, with a serious look in his eyes, I've never seen him this serious before this.... this must be bad...... "Yes he is the Anxiety, the killer that has never been cought, w-will a kill-a kill count o-of 4-50....." He said stuttering over his words. "How do you know this?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I was there at his first kill...." My eyes widen "what? His first? You? How?" I had so many thoughts that I couldn't make proper sentence come out of my mouth. "Well you see..."

·°··°·°·°· flashback ·°·°·°··°·

*No pov*

Patton sat on the ground up against the wall of the school. He was hungry but didn't have enough money for lunch, so he just sat there waiting for the day to be over when one of the kids from the school, Jimmy, decided to walk up to him. (They are all 10) " Hey why you all by yourself?" Jimmy looked at Patton with a small smile and put out his hand " Im Jimmy! Wanna come and eat lunch with me and my friends?" He asked and Patton took his hand "o-oh I-m Patton but m-my friends c-call me p-pat" Jimmy looks at him and smiled and said "well p-pat, I want to be your friend! So come and eat with us!" He said pulling patent by the arm over to where he was sitting. "O-oh I cant I d-dont have any m-mony to get a-anything.." Patton said as he looked down at the ground,still following Jimmy, "well then you can have some of my food!" "W-what?" "Well we're friends now so, lets eat together!" "I- okay!" Patton said as he started to walk with Jimmy

...No more flashback..

%=÷×+ Lo pov +×÷=%

"After that we were the best of friends" pat said will a said smile "well what does this Jimmy guy have to do with Virgil being anxiety?" I asked curiosity taking over my thought process. " well Virg was one of his friends, at the time I thought that Jimmy was the nicest people out there but hr was really just fake.. " he said "what do you mean?" "Well before Virgils family died he was one of the more wealthy people out there, he wasn't exactly rich but did have a lot of money." He said

We both sat down on the floor as he continued the story. "He was with Virgil because he could get money from him and he was with me because well I was funny for him to watch get hurt but I didn't realize that at first..."

°·°·°~ teleportation bitch! (flashback) ~°·°·°

.No pov.

Today was a good day for pat the people who would usually bully him didn't do anything and he was extremely happy that was until he saw Jimmy and Virgil fighting, with Virgil on the ground, with a bloody nose. "Who do you think you are messing with Patton like that!?" Virgil screamed at Jimmy as he got back up and punched Jimmy in the face. "What like you can talk!!! You're even worse than I am!!" Jimmy yelled as Virgil kicked him in the stomach "what the hell are you talking about!?!!?" Virge grabbed Jimmy but the collar "I mean how you are acting to care about Patton right now. You dont care I dont either! But you like hurting people!! You're as much of a monster as I am!!!" Jimmy said as he started to laugh but then got punched in tge face "you think that you got me all figured out... well you don't, yes I like to hurt people. hell you could say I love it!" He then dropped Jimmy on the floor and kicked him in the gut "but Patton if too good for you to be doing that, he doesn't know about how you really are. but I sure as hell wont let you hurt him anymore." Virgil said in a low voice well as low as it can get for a 10 year-old. He then kicked him one more time and walked away never knowing that patton saw and heard everything.

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