✎ | ЩILD LФVΞ ↬ johnten [nct]

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It was midnight during a Saturday evening and M/N was in a fancy bar,he was all dressed up before seeing Johnny and Ten walking to him.Johnny instantly sat by him and ordered a drink,Ten was busy being affectionate with M/N on the other hand.Ten held the boy's hand "Did you wait a while?",M/N shook his head "Not much,just a few long minutes by most.I just needed to talk my stress away,you guys know how hard it is to find a job at a crucial time like this".Ten nodded "I know how that feels,even I get worried for you when I'm doing my schedule.Johnny-hyung is the same but ten times worse,he even keeps his phone near him just for emergencies",Johnny softly coughed "Isn't it normal for me to get worried over my ex?".M/N laughed "Let's just drink as we chat,I have a lot of stories to tell you guys",it wasn't long before the two idols were invested in the boy's stories despite the instance of them being intensely drunk.M/N looked at them "Are you guys already at your limit?You guys look so red",Ten shook his head as he spoke in a drunk tone "Nope~,still listening to your stories~".M/N laughed before leading them into one of the free rooms,he hid the fact that he was the son of hotel's owner who passed away well as a small smirk was on his face.He closed the door before laying the boys down on the bed,he smiled softly as he played with Ten's hair "Good thing that dad's dead,I can finally fix all of the messy things he's done here and show how I was right all along".He went out the room so he could do some things,his sweet victory slowly coming into his hands.

After a few minutes,he became the official owner of the establishment.The news spread fast,everyone was happy that the hotel was finally back on the right path.M/N walked back to the room to where Johnny and Ten were before seeing them on their phones,Johnny turned to him "Oh,seems like the hotel owner kindly let us stay in one of the VIP rooms".M/N chuckled "Just doing things that dad should have done,it's gonna take a lot of time to fix everything he did here but I don't wanna think about that until tomorrow",Ten walked to him and raised his chin "You lied to us though,liars like you deserve a good punishment for such an action".Johnny smirked before walking up to him and sucking his neck,M/N moaned softly before he felt Ten connect their lips.Ten groaned "So sweet moans~,but your cum is sweeter and speaking about cum..",he smirked before moving down and carrying M/N.It wasn't long before the boy was on the bed restrained as Johnny and Ten were relishing at the sounds they extracted from him,Ten sweetly kissed M/N as he thrusted his fingers in roughly.He ate all of M/N's moans as Johnny was touching himself,the boy moaned as he could just climax at the lewd groans and curses that left M/N's mouth.It only took them a few minutes before the real fun started,Johnny thrusted from behind as Ten did the same but from the front.M/N choked on his spit as his prostate was being intensely abused by the two's tips,his walls clenched and that alone made Ten groan.Johnny sucked on M/N's shoulderblades and made sure to leave hickeys,Ten covered M/N's upper torso with hickeys while pumping him with his free hand.The 20-year-old M/N felt so full and sensitive as only unholy sounds left his mouth,he held Johnny's hand tight as he moaned out both of their names shamelessly.Ten mercilessly attacked the center of M/N's prostate as Johnny doubled the pleasure by focusing on the edges of M/N's prostate,the two felt accomplished as they saw how lewdly beautiful the boy looked with his hair sticking onto his forehead due to sweet,his soft pants,sweat-covered body,lidded eyes,and the other lewd sounds coming from his mouth.

It wasn't long before the three came at the same time,M/N refused to look into their eyes as he was upset.Ten pouted before pecking M/N's lips "Come on,look at us.We'll do anything to make you not to be upset with us",M/N rolled his eyes "Pull out and get dressed first,you guys aren't that attractive with this kind of lighting".Once they got back in their clothes,M/N was ignoring the two as he knew they were always touch-starved after finishing a round.Johnny crossed his arms "Hugs now!",M/N shook his head "Not gonna happen~".He smiled when he felt Ten instantly backhug him,he gently held his hand before kissing it "Fine,you guys can get hugs".He instantly went on the bed and let them take him into their arms,Ten kissed his forehead "You're so hard to calm down,but that petty side of yours is the best part I know".Johnny laughed "Stay that petty and you might have a harder time convincing your kids that you wouldn't be jealous when they get into an relationship",M/N rolled his eyes "Shut your mouth,you even begged for me to never stop being petty.Where did that side of you go,hm?".Johnny instantly went silent as Ten held in his laugh,it wasn't long before the three fell asleep.A small smile were on their faces as if their saddening past never existed.

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