✎ | 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓉𝒽𝓎 𝒪𝒻 𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒯𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 ↬ seonghwa [ateez]

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M/N was the youngest prince in all of the 9 kingdoms of Wonderland,he was someone who had been used,mistreated,and abandoned to the point that he had no trust in anyone who entered the the kingdom.He'd have each and everyone of his citizens constantly be interrogated every hour of the day,which was rather a predicament everyone had to take into familiarity.Another interrogation was happening at the gates of the kingdom as the 8 princes who were older than him came to visit,Seonghwa gave proof that he and the others were clean of suspicions as he was the oldest of the bunch.It wasn't long before they entered the town and headed for the castle,Jongho and Yunho were excitedly talking as knights carried their gifts from behind.

Once they arrived to the castle,they went in and was met with an throne room filled with guards.M/N sat in his throne as he played with the peculiar invention called a yoyo,he seemed rather curious as he looked at it go up and down with the perfect timing of his finger.Hongjoong called his name and smiled as he saw a small grin appear on M/N's face,the 8 princes bowed down to show respect and stood up once they were given the order to stand.M/N crossed his arms before smirking at the number of gifts that were being brought to the investigation room "Guard,no need for an investigation.I'm rest assured that my dear friends haven't gifted me anything suspicious,you may just leave half here and the heavy ones in my chamber",Seonghwa laughed as he saw half of the gifts went next to M/N "I hope you do like my gift,I spent rather a lot of time making it".M/N opened Seonghwa's gift first and was astounded to see hand-carved dices made of diamonds and quartz "Dice?I guess my love for mathematical games have spread far and wide,perhaps you've heard from Mingi",he opened the others and found it rather satisfying to see a intact dragon horn that could be used for a war horn from San.Wooyoung crossed his arms "Those royal garments were worth almost the entire stock of my fabrics,you're lucky I got them made when the numbers were still high",M/N chuckled before his stare turned cold "Now for Yeosang,why did you give me a bottle of your kingdom's finest wine?I'm sure everyone in Wonderland knows how much these cost if sold,why give such an elite item be in my hands?".Yeosang smiled "Its non-alcoholic and is a new flavor rather than the common selection,I wanted all of us including you to be the taste testers of my apple wine.It will only be served to us princes after all",M/N was in doubt but believed when he could smell the infused scent of an apple and grape "Ah,this must be the concoction your alchemists have been experimenting on.I've heard this was instantly approved on its first delivery to the Wonderland Health Inspection from one of my friends in Wonder City,I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart".


After a few minutes,the 9 boys were walking around the garden premises.M/N's emerald-adorned crown glimmered in the light as he walked through the vine-covered arbor,his cape gliding behind his back.Seonghwa smiled before going to him and taking his hand "M/N-ah,I wanted to talk with you about something",the other boys snickered softly as they saw the two walk to the gazebo at the center of the garden.M/N sat on the marble railing as he admired the green roses growing around the marble supports "So,what did you want to talk about?I don't doubt anything about you or you in general so lower your guard",Seonghwa laughed "I just thought it was time you drop the regime you're doing right now,everything is fine and I can assure you that everyone in Wonderland is ready to be trusted by you".M/N walked to him and looked into his eyes "What do you mean by that?Tell me in a way I can understand",he turned red when Seonghwa leaned close to him and kissed him.He slowly sunk into it as he held Seonghwa's hand and placed his free hand on Seonghwa's neck,the older pulled away and kissed his forehead "See?I speculated that you were just afraid that you'd never feel genuine love again,seems like I was right".The younger nodded as he laid his head on his shoulder "I'm ready to drop everything but I just feel so scared....But maybe,I can do it with your help",Seonghwa took M/N's hand and kissed it "I'll be by your side,don't worry".

It didn't take long before he and M/N walked back to the boys,Yeosang crossed his arms "So?All it took was a kiss to reveal the truth?".Hongjoong shot him a glare before he smiled at M/N "Don't worry,we'll be on our guard if someone suspicious comes by.We'll make sure your heart stays safe",M/N laughed "No worries,should we go try Yeosang's new wine now?I'm sure lunch is already served at the dining hall".Yunho nodded and instantly took off,M/N ran from behind and Seonghwa found it quite adorable.He followed M/N and the others chased him,Seonghwa could just melt as he heard genuine laughs from M/N.Yunho panted as he finally got in,M/N stood by a wall as he caught his breath "See?Being alone does have benefits after all".He saw the others and Seonghwa come in before taking his hand "Let's go before Jongho hoards all the food!",the other nodded before yelping at the sudden pull.He only felt genuine love as he saw M/N manage to run and still keep their hands connected,his heart skipped a beat as he knew that he hit jackpot.

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