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M/N was rather not much of a chaotic soul but Hoshi was the opposite,his eyes would twitch and his hand would instantly ball up into a shaking fist when his friend would start acting out of line.He would usually walk out the room or just hide his embarrassment by hiding his face in his arms,he would usually be at Hoshi's neck and burst into angry fits but the other put up with it just because he was never strong enough to see M/N so upset.He knew well what was the reason and it broke his heart every time he thought about it,the only reason why M/N acted in such was is that M/N was raised in a serious family and it rubbed off on him.Like usual,M/N was watching Hoshi goof off with his group members since he was assisting them during their photoshoot.However,he was oddly smiling.To be honest,he would always feel the happiest whenever Hoshi was carefree and enjoying what he was doing since he was the only person that he found entertaining enough.His expression instantly turned cross when he saw a message pop up on his phone,he walked out the door and Hoshi didn't notice his sudden exit at all.

After a few minutes,M/N came back as he tried to hide his tears.He composed himself and instantly went to Hoshi when he heard his name being called,Woozi crossed his arms "So you're Hoshi's highschool friend?You seem to fit the way he described you,always serious and expressionless".M/N nodded "That's what happens if you're raised by a family who seriously takes tradition as something important",Hoshi was slight saddened in the inside before seeing M/N's phone light up.M/N checked his phone before his hand slightly shook,he pocketed it and fixed his hair "Well,time for me to go.Duty as oldest child calls".He waved at Hoshi before getting his things and heading out,the other had a suspicious stare as he knew something was wrong and he had to know about it.


After the photoshoot finished,Hoshi went into a taxi and headed to M/N's house since their schedule was fully cleared and he had to get to the bottom of the matter.He tried calling M/N but he got no answer,that was what it took for his worry to go beyond the skies.It didn't take much before he arrived to the mansion and headed in,he was instantly greeted by M/N who was wearing a fashionable suit "Woah,where are you going?".M/N rubbed his neck shyly "Dad officially is training me how to be the perfect CEO,I'm gonna take his place soon at the law firm.Like usual,I can't deny since well...tradition",Hoshi laughed before noticing that M/N's hand was shaking "What's wrong?".M/N walked to him and hugged him "I'm tired of all of this...I want to live my life the way I want,I don't want to be controlled like a puppet anymore",Hoshi rubbed his back "I'll get you out of here,I promise you".Suddenly,the sound of a missed gunshot echoed in the air.M/N turned around and saw his father holding a shotgun,his eyes widened "The guards,they overheard our conversation!".The two tried to escape but they were instantly surrounded,M/N was grabbed by the wrist by his father and got dragged as Hoshi had to deal with the people around him.

It didn't take much for Hoshi to beat all of them and run to the mansion,he went in and saw that M/N was tied to a chair.He was about to untie him but he froze the moment a hundred red dots shone on his chest,M/N's family looked down on them wickedly.His father smirked "I guess its time to get rid of our child's bad influence friend,he doesn't need useless fun to be added to his serious life as my company's next CEO",Hoshi was enraged at the remark "He's a human with emotions,not a robot!Plus,he isn't your child!M/N is the son of your successful brother whom you killed out of jealousy!".M/N's eyes widened but he couldn't speak because of the tape covering his mouth,his father raised his eyebrow "So?I'm returning the right person to his proper place.I'm just atoning for my sins the right way".Hoshi chuckled "Atoning?More like using him just for fame and power,you'd exterminate him the day he reaches the top so you can be the power-thirsty rat you are!",he instantly dodged the shot from M/N's father and hid behind the couch.He was lucky that the Seventeen members ran in since he sent them a message earlier to call the police, Woozi helped him up before the two went to untie M/N as the others assisted the officers to detaining M/N's family.


After they got brought out the house,M/N was sobbing in Hoshi's arms.The other pat his head as he kept him close "Its okay,everything is fine now",M/N couldn't help but smile at the remark "Thanks for saving me there,Soonyoung".Hoshi laughed "No worries,just doing my job as your friend.Also,don't call me that.You only call me like that when you're angry",M/N playfully sneered as he wiped his tears "As if I'm not,you didn't tell me about the truth about my family when you had so much time to tell me".Hoshi booped his nose "I'm sorry~,I thought you would react badly and start rebelling against your family once you knew so I kept it a secret until now",M/N grinned "You already did that for me so I guess I shouldn't blame you for anything".Seungkwan looked at them in disgust "Can you two stop being so lovey-dovey?It's annoying me already",M/N giggled before he and Hoshi stuck their tongue at him.The two were finally closely compatible as friends after all of the time being so different,it was obvious they were glad about that instance and they were excited at how their friendship would evolve.

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