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M/N was silent as he was told on by his parents again,he was trained to be the perfect opera singer but he barely could even reach a high note.He stayed inside the theater and cried to himself backstage,his shaky sobs barely audible.Amidst his intense sadness,he couldn't hear the soft footsteps of a specific someone.He looked up when he heard a voice call his name,his eyes widened as Hong Jisoo,the most spectacular but former opera singer,was in front of him.Jisoo grinned before helping him up and wiping his tears "Hey now,what's with the tears?",M/N was rather scared to admit what was wrong but told the truth as if Jisoo's presence was altering how he acter.Jisoo laughed "Call me Joshua,its not really something I like to be called as my stage name while I'm not performing",M/N nodded shyly before he was instantly dragged to the stage.

After a while of warming their voices up,M/N was confused at what was happening.Joshua smiled "I'm gonna help you reach high notes,I heard from my teacher who knows your parents about your problem",M/N bit his lip as he rubbed his neck in embarrassment "I guess I really am a disappointment of the family after all".Joshua shook his head "Its not like that,don't worry.All you need is a little coaching",M/N started to tear up and Joshua instantly came to the rescue.He wiped the tears away and looked at him "I promise you,you aren't a disappointment just because you can't do high notes",M/N sniffed "But my parents say I am".Joshua held his hand and caressed it "That's why you're gonna prove them wrong,they'll be proud of you once I succeed to teach you",M/N was slightly underestimating himself before he looked determined.Joshua laughed before starting to teach him,his heart racing with intense anticipation to see M/N finally be capable of doing high notes.

As they started off easy,M/N was quickly getting the hang of it and Joshua couldn't help but smile.M/N would occasionally break off at sudden intervals but the other was patient,he helped him stay stable and made sure M/N took it slow rather than rush.He grinned proudly when M/N reached a whole minute while maintaining a stable F9 "There we go,we're getting close to an C or D if we keep this up",M/N shyly laughed before trying again and reaching an E5 "Whoa-".Joshua laughed "See?It should be easy to go to a D1 at this stage so you should rest your voice for a while",M/N nodded before getting his water bottle and taking a few sips.Joshua went backstage and brought out two microphone stands that already had microphones,he set the system up and gave M/N a smile "Just rest there,don't mind me".M/N went off the chair and helped him "I can't let hyung do so much work just to help me,I'm just repaying you the only way I could",Joshua chuckled before testing the microphone out "Yup,it works".He looked at M/N and sweetly patted his head "I know you can do a high note and I'll make sure you can,you'll be reaching great heights in singing once we're finished",M/N agreed with a small "Hmph" before Joshua ruffled his hair with the softest grin on his face.


After a while,M/N was able to reach high notes and achieve his highest register : A3.Joshua let him sing some opera songs and looked like he was close to tears when M/N perfectly reached every key,he raised his eyebrow when M/N stopped "Hm?What's wrong?".The boy turned to him with tears in his eyes,he ran to him and hugged him while softly sobbing "Thank you so much,hyung".Joshua rubbed his back and wiped the tears away "You're welcome,I'm so proud of you and I want you to know that",M/N smiled shyly before hearing a soft but satisfied whistle.He looked from the door and saw that his parents were smiling at him,he blushed when he instantly connected the dots "No way-I wasn't supposed to be an opera singer but an idol?!".Joshua nodded "And you just passed both the audition and debuted,well unofficially",M/N couldn't help but tear up and Joshua was honored to comfort him once again while congratulating him.


After a few minutes,he met Joshua's group members since he became an idol after resigning as an opera singer.Seokmin ruffled his hair "Seems like you just need to do rap and dance training considering Joshua-hyung helped you with your vocals",Joshua laughed shyly "Oh,come on.He'll need much more training with his voice,its important for a solo to have the ability to keep his baritone range while being a tenor".M/N raised his eyebrow before speaking in his deepest voice "Hyung didn't know I'm also a bass?",everyone almost fell at how deep it was.Joshua held his chest "Well,I know it now",Seokmin slowly pushed Wonwoo and Seungcheol close to M/N "You guys handle him,his deep voice scares me".M/N chuckled before he saw that Joshua was looking at him intently,he hugged him and nuzzled his neck "You're my favorite sunbae now,starting today".Joshua pat his head "I'm honored to be given that position by you",the two were already hitting it off as the classic friend duo and they knew that instance well,which they used to their fruitful advantage.

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