✎ | T̸o̸r̸n̸ M̸a̸p̸l̸e̸ L̸e̸a̸f̸ ↬ moonbae [the boyz]

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It had been 10 years since M/N was officially part of the family and he was happy,despite the stress he got as a idol actor.He was memorizing his lines as he sat on his bed,his furrowed eyebrows and constant thigh grab showing how visibly unfocused he was.Jacob watched from the door as a sad smile was on his face,he walked in and ruffled his hair "Hey,what's wrong?".M/N softly grumbled "Well,I'm memorizing my lines for my upcoming drama but I can't stop thinking about NCT-hyung.I know they let me not participate in the WayV and Dream comeback because of my drama but I still get worried,I'm 4th youngest after all",Jacob laughed as he took the book that had M/N's lines and placed it on the bedside table "They did tell me how much you worry about them when they brought you back home yesterday,I'm sure they're fine.I've heard the songs they released and I can tell,they are in no need of worry right now so calm yourself".M/N bit his lip before getting a call,Jacob excused himself to give him privacy and had a small smile when he heard Renjun's voice.

As M/N was having a conversation with the Dream members,the others were making him some lunch to give him some energy and motivation to memorize his lines.Kevin laughed "They really like playing with him,don't they?No wonder he gets so worried over them,he at least needs a head up whenever he's gonna get teased again",M/N groaned "Jaemin-hyung,I dare you to keep teasing me.I'll be there in a estimate of five minutes".The idol instantly shut up as he had trauma from the first time that he saw how much of a monster the boy was with his temper,M/N smirked before hanging up and laying on his bed.He played Rainbow on his phone as a small grin was on his face,he got the book on the bedside table and started memorizing his lines.His mind was rather clearer and he managed to focus,Kevin watched from the crack from the door and managed to muffle his soft giggles.M/N,who was playing a college student with an alter ego of a child,managed to make his voice sound cute and not cringe after,he swung his legs from the foot of his bed as he spoke in a child-like tone that somehow fit him "But sunbae can't do his report without me,how will he do it now?Hmph~".Kevin laughed before walking in with a plate of cookies in his hands "M/N-ah,we made you some snacks",M/N stood up and got one instantly.Kevin ruffled his hair and cupped his cheeks "Our little baby~",M/N managed to giggle and not turn red.It was obvious that he was used to being treated as a child,a high disadvantage for the main part.


It was the next day and M/N was already at the filming site since it was already 6 AM,he looked way too cute as he had a cat ear cap on his head.He tied his pink converse before noticing that his co-star looking at him,he smiled at her and laughed "Why does noona always fall for my cuteness?~".The female actress,who was just a year or two older than the boy,walked to him and sweetly caressed his cheek "Noona can't help but fall for it,I'm sorry~",the two were oblivious to the fact that there were some people watching them from the van that just parked by.Juyeon crossed his arms "He really has no shame,does he?",Younghoon rolled his eyes "He's just the lead and he gets so much attention,why didn't they make him the main character?".Sangyeon looked at him with confusion "Do you even know what he meant?He meant that he lets other people treat him like a child like its nothing",Chanhee blinked awkwardly "I thought he meant that he lets himself be the star of the show and make them feel fine with it-".Jacob and Kevin were silent as they were having mixed emotions about what they just saw,M/N noticed them late and ran to them "Hyung!".Changmin who was somehow calm hugged him and showed him the food truck they brought for him,Eric couldn't help but melt as he saw M/N's long blond hair look so fluffy "Why does his hair look so soft to touch?Like WHY?!".Sunwoo smirked "Its the work of curling irons and combing,nothing too special.You got a perm before,this is like a perm but reversible",they turned their heads as they saw a person walk to them.M/N grinned "Yohan-hyung!Seems like you're late,for once",Haknyeon tried his best to not laugh as he saw the other look like he was about to reign hellfire over M/N.

It didn't take much time before filming started,Jacob and Kevin watched with disgust and jealousy as they saw M/N act as his character.His cute little squeal as he saw the main lead and the girl who was the main star of the show walk out the airport with luggage somehow audible from the distance they were at,Yohan ruffled his hair as the girl hugged him since he was the younger sibling despite being the leading man.Kevin looked like he was close to walk over them and kick M/N in the thigh as he saw him happily pull the two's luggage behind him,Yohan walked by his side and pulled him close while keeping his arm around his neck.M/N was enjoying the filming and couldn't even imagine how much doom would befall him once he was back at the house.


M/N was silent as he laid on his bed,his love journal open as the pages for Jacob and Kevin were removed but still able to be placed back inside.He held the maple leaf Kevin got him back in his childhood,he placed it back down and sighed as he could still remember the whole disagreement he had with him and Jacob a few minutes ago play somewhere in his mind "I'm sure they don't want to talk to me now after our fight,I was so stupid to answer back and defend my side".He didn't notice that Kevin and Jacob walked in with guilty expressions on their faces,Kevin sat by M/N's feet as he had his hand on the bedsheet "Hey...we're sorry about what happened a while ago,we didn't mean to get jealous over something like that".M/N turned around and took his hand "Its fine....its really not a big deal..",Jacob laid next to him and hugged him "Even if so,we're still sorry".M/N couldn't help but smile,it was rather expected that the three made up before anything worse could have happened.Kevin caressed M/N's cheek as he held him close "You did so well today,have the NCT members seen that side of you?",M/N laughed "Ask Haechan-hyung and Yangyang-hyung,they always have videos of me being cute on their phones.They won't be scared to show all of them either".Jacob softly chuckled as he placed his head on M/N's shoulder "I guess they baby you all the time then?",M/N groaned as he rolled his eyes "I get that treatment 24/7,I'm so close to losing control and snapping at them but I have to keep my temper unless I want a beating from Taeyong-hyung".Kevin grinned before hearing Sangyeon call them down,the trio ran out and headed down fast as they could smell the scent of fried chicken instantly.M/N slid down the railing and wasted no time to get the first piece,Kevin and Jacob who meant to let him win looked at him lovingly as M/N chowed down on the drumstick until its bone was bare to sight.

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