✎ | ᑭᗩᑎOᖇᗩᙏᗩ ↬ younghoon [the boyz]

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M/N had a smile on his face as he stayed behind a tree,Younghoon ran to him and picked him up with a grin "Yah,don't run off like that!I almost lost you!".M/N laughed as he stayed in his older brother's arms "Why are we camping at the park near our apartment anyway,hyung?Its just so confusing",Younghoon chuckled as he walked to the tent "We can't get you hurt and you might get lost at a real forest,we're safe here so that's why we did it here".It wasn't long before the family gathered and started with their camping,Younghoon stood up and took a picture of all of them with his camera.M/N did his casual grabby hands "I want to see the picture!!",Younghoon softly grinned before showing it to him "See?You look so handsome here~".M/N happily squealed as Younghoon ruffled his hair,the two seemed so happy and carefree.


M/N was in his college dorm doing his essay,he looked at his family photo as a sad smile came on his face.The 16-year-old looked at how happy he looked before "I'm lucky to have experienced genuine happiness,I at least could smile that happily before I'd lose mom and dad",he turned back to his laptop and continued typing.A tear slipped from his eyes as he had a shaky smile "I don't even feel emotions anymore...",he went silent as he focused on the words on his laptop screen and ignored his pain.Meanwhile,Younghoon was looking at his pictures from the past.He had a sad smile as he saw the happy eye grin on M/N's face when he was young,he caressed M/N's face on the photo sweetly "Only if I stopped the car at the right moment...you would still be with me and you'd still have that smile on your face".Chanhee watched from the door with a sad frown,Q crossed his arms "Y'know what to do,hyung".The older nodded before going to call someone,the younger sighed as he wished that his plan would work.

It wasn't long before M/N got a call from his one of his friends to visit them,he bit his lip in slight annoyance as he just finished his essay "Juyeon-hyung really knows when I'm free and want to take a nap,that darn bastard is gonna be the cause of my mental death soon".He rolled his eyes before going to change into simple outside clothes,he walked out the dorm with his things and left the building.He went out the door and walked to the company,his hair flew with the wind as the warm afternoon breeze blew.M/N smiled as he pulled out his polaroid camera and taking a picture of a tree,he pocketed the polaroid into his shirt pocket and continued walking.At the The Boyz dorm,Younghoon was still in his room as the other members were waiting for M/N to arrive.Juyeon bit his finger "He's taking so long even if he just lives a few meter from our dorm,he's really testing my patience",he felt relieved as he saw M/N walk in.Sunwoo nodded as he went to call Younghoon,Kevin waved at M/N as he knew that he didn't know that Younghoon was an idol "Come and have a seat,you must be tired from all the walking".M/N shyly sat down before hearing footsteps,Younghoon walked to the living room before he saw the boy and felt as if time stopped.M/N turned around at the idol before his eyes widened "Hyung...is that you?",Q smiled "Well,won't you say hi to your little brother Younghoon-hyung?".The older softly grinned before hugging M/N tight,the younger started to sob as he nestled his head on Younghoon's neck "Hyung...I'm so sorry I ran away..I really am".Younghoon rubbed M/N's back as he held his head gently "Don't worry,I'm not upset with you at all.I'm happy just to have you back with me,that's all I care about right now",M/N couldn't help smile at the remark.

It wasn't long before the two were being affectionate with each other,Juyeon laughed "Did M/N really like eating spicy food as a kid?Did he have a really upset stomach after eating all of those spice?".M/N shook his head "I didn't have explosive diarrhea but my face was very red for at least a week,even Younghoon-hyung suggested I don't attend school during those times",Younghoon huffed "I was just looking out for you,stupid.Who wouldn't think that you were really sick with your face being as red as an strawberry?".M/N rolled his eyes "Then you saw almost all the kids treat me like a child,didn't you get jealous when a 3rd grader gave me his juicebox so I could cool down?",Younghoon scoffed "As if!I was just upset that you let kids take care of you,you were already independent back then and you let them do that".Chanhee went in between them before they could even start fighting "No yelling in this household,and I don't wanna hear brothers yelling at each other",M/N sneered "See?Jealous".He stood up and went to take pictures around the place,Juyeon followed him as he went to comfort him.Younghoon softly smiled "Isn't he so cute when he's petty?",Q laughed "I have to be honest,he's quite the softie if it comes to you.I just know it,hyung".Younghoon grinned "I already know that,its way too obvious",M/N peeked from a corner as he slyly pictured each of the members.Eric ran too him "Lemme see the photo!",Younghoon chuckled "M/N,don't anger him or he'll do things to you.I mean what I say".M/N groaned before showing the picture,he gave Younghoon his picture "You can keep that in your room,hyung.Consider it a gift from your reunited little brother".Younghoon laughed "A gift?This is more than a gift-",the two spoke in unison as they knew what would come after "Its a memory that I'll keep until the end of a time,a special memory".M/N giggled as Younghoon ruffled his hair,they felt relieved as they had each other by their side now after so much time of being by themselves.

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