Chapter 1.

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The chains of the old swing set jangled as the breeze flows past slowly. There were patches of grass that thrived amongst the dead lawn and the buckets set about to catch any rain water. It was a rainy night.

Ranboo had a love hate relationship to rain.

The moonlight reflected off his colourless side of his face while the other side was facing away from the window. He always likes to listen to the rain like it was music of some sort. A perfect melody in a place like this, where songs never played.

He has to cherish the hours of the night. These hours are the only break from reality, so it would be no shock to see dark circles under his eyes. For a decade he hadn't had a proper sleep schedule because of this. This made him weaker and drained of energy.

A flash of light bloomed out the window then a boom of sound. Lightning and thunder. The night was ruined.

Ranboo hid under the blankets in fear of the deafening sound overhead. He held this run down book with spirals holding everything together. The front and back of it was laced with an old leather that fit comfortably in Ranboo's hands. He traced his thumb over the messy label on the front that read out 'DO NOT READ' in sloppy hand writing. He pulled the book close to him and wrapped his arms around it to keep it safe from the outside world and tried to slip into unconsciousness. Another boom was heard from the sky making Ranboo quiver in fear.

This is going to be a long night.


In the morning...


A bang on the door jolted Ranboo awake along with everyone else in the room. A tired voice followed after.

"Get up boys breakfast is done. Come down now or ya not eatin!" the directress called.

Each boy in the roomed groaned and slowly pulled the covers off them making their way to the door. None of them looked back when Ranboo didn't get out of bed. The footsteps of tired and some excited children were heard going down the stairs to the dining room.

Ranboo sat up once he heard everyone leaving the second floor. His book still in his hands he opens it hastily and reads it over.

'You're ̶1̶1̶     ̶1̶2̶    ̶1̶3̶     ̶1̶4̶    15'

'You're an orphan since birth'

'DON'T be exposed to water for a long time (or a lot at a sudden moment)'

'DON'T let this book get into someone else's hands'

'DON'T trust any one. ever'

Each age was crossed out each year since he was received this book. There isn't many things to write in there. There are little words on the margins of the page of random words without explanation.

Some like:







He doesn't know why he didn't write down any explanations of these words, so it was empty meaning to him other than the times at night where he pondered each written word.

He slammed his book shut as he heard the door creak open revealing a caretaker. Luckily it was the one and only one that treated him nicely.

'Still can't trust them though, the book said so' he reminded himself.

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