Chapter 11.

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TW//: Disturbing content such as: seeing things(hallucinations), body horror(?), panic attack, claustrophobia, hearing things. Yeah some horror and unsettling stuff.


The two purple eyes glanced over at the window with rain beating against it and closed the other closet door when it heard the rumble of thunder. 




Tubbo made it back down the stairs and sees Tommy in the kitchen grabbing an apple while Wilbur walked his way over to Tubbo to help out carrying things. 

"Thanks Tubs. I can set up the makeshift beds from here," Wilbur said while giving a firm pat on his shoulder before dropping it. 

Tubbo smiled and gave up the items he has got from his closet and turned his attention towards Tommy. He was inspecting the plate that was still left there when the hybrid ate.

"Tubbo I see you had the left over steak already? I thought you were saving that for tomorrow dinner?" Tommy said while spitting out a seed into the rubbish bin. 

"The smell was too good to be true; I simply couldn't resist," Tubbo said dramatically with a hand waving in front him like a chef would do when they were smelling the food they were making while it cooked. 

"I mean, I don't blame you; it did smell good," Tommy said dismissing the confusion of the food being gone.

"You wish you were me Tommyinnit, you wish," he said while pointing to himself with a hand on his hip before dropping it quickly as Tommy threw an apple core in his direction. "OI DICKHEAD, YOU PICK THAT UP!"

Tommy flips him off with a laugh and picks it up before promptly throwing it into the rubbish. Tubbo grabs the plate that the hybrid ate off of and washed it in the sink before putting it off on the drying rack.

"Child get over here; I made the couch for you," Wilbur said while tossing a pillow towards him. 

The pillow hit Tommy in the face before he scrambles to catch it right before it hit the ground. He threw it back at Wilbur, but he caught it with ease and laughs at him while making a weird pose as if it is a challenge to have a war right in the middle of the lounge room.

"Boys boys you're both equally stupid now can we settle down for bed? The storm isn't going to get better any time soon. I would like to sleep before the sky screams at us louder than it already is," Tubbo said with a laugh. 

"The fuck?" Tommy said in response of Tubbo's weird wording about thunder being loud. 

The reality is that Tubbo was trying to get them to sleep before they potentially heard any weird noises that he couldn't explain like he could not face to face. 

Wilbur agreed and pulled Tommy to settle down before the blonde reluctantly lied down on the couch. Tubbo made one more glance at them before saying, "I am going to go lie down. Come get me if you need me." He paused for a second, "make sure to knock first of course."

Tubbo walked up the stairs with soft steps making his way to his bedroom. He was trying not to think of the hybrid that could possibly still be hiding in his closet. He heard movement around his room before he knock on his own door and opening it slightly. He saw a figure scramble from under his bed back into the closet.

To any one else this would look like a scene straight from a horror movie. I mean for Tubbo it did look like it, but at least he knew what was crawling around his room. He walked in his room while closing the plain white door behind him. 

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