Chapter 4.

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His eyes reached him and saw aggressive red burn marks all over his body and dinosaur like legs. His horns were longer along with his nails. Steam was still coming off his body.

Techno ran to get a towel and Philza hugged the boy letting go of his silent sobs muttering,

My dear boy I am sorry I broke my promise..




Techno returned back to the couch with towels in hand handing one to Bad since he was the closest. They started dabbing the towels on his soaking clothes and his..legs. Was he hiding these? 

Techno has a hunch what was happening to Ranboo's body. He is rejecting his hybrid form and having difficulty shifting between human and whatever he is a hybrid with. Techno had that issue when he was younger and it caused..lots of blood. Techno saw how that he wasn't fully shifted into his hybrid but only stuck in the in between.

However he didn't know what he was or how the rain was causing him to burn, and he doesn't know about the teleporting. He'll have to do research on that later.

As Bad and Techno was trying to dry Ranboo, Philza was still clinging to his arm with a face of guilt and regret. 

"Dad..we need to dry him; he's safe now," Techno says with an incontrollable monotone voice; he did care though. He doesn't mean the dryness or the bluntness of his words; it just comes out. "The rest of you should dry off. There is a restroom down here and upstairs as well."

There were many nods. Mostly from Dream, George and Sapnap. The trio helped the rest of the boys to get up and shuffle their way hesitantly away from Ranboo. They were afraid of him disappearing again.

"Bad continue trying to dry him; I am going to grab more clothes," he spoke while he was walking back upstairs and into the attic to his room. There was a high 'ok!' coming from the demon hybrid. 

He searched through his closet. He probably could find something that could fit him since he is tall for his age. He found a silky white bowknot shirt that he owned; it was labeled as womens' clothing. Techno didn't care he bought it anyways because he thought it looked pretty. He grabbed comfy black pants that hugged the ankles and rushed back downstairs. 

Techno let out a pig like grunt as he shook away the thought of maybe Ranboo would smile at the thought of looking decent when he wakes up.

He saw Bad folding a towel over the back of the couch and sitting Ranboo up and picking him up like a child. "Lets go to the restroom to change this muffin, shoo all the others out if we need to," Bad said with a sharp toothy smile. 

Techno nodded at the idea as Bad made sure to pick Ranboo's tail up too so it wouldn't drag along the floor. They arrived at the door of the restroom seeing Phil, George, and Wilbur drying themselves off; all the others were most likely in the upstairs restroom. Phil's head snapped up as he saw Ranboo's unique skin popping through the door frame.

"Is he okay?" he said with worry dripping his tone.

"In the state he is in, as he will ever be right now," Bad answered for Techno. "We just need to change him."

Phil nodded with tired eyes. He motioned the other out the bathroom and lightly as he possibly can hugged Ranboo's limp head and walked out to the living room. 

Techno closed the door behind them and Bad sat him down. They struggled to change him since he was limp. Trying to keep him upright and also keeping his privacy was hard. They both struggled getting clothes on this boy with their eyes closed. 

After a lot of minutes of struggling, they finally got the dry clothes on Ranboo and throwing the damp ones he had on into the hamper. Techno picked him up like Bad did before and reopened the door seeing everyone sitting and standing around in the living room. Techno walked out with Bad trailing behind him with his his small pointed like wings bouncing with him. 

Techno sat down in the middle of the couch with no words and leaned back letting out a sigh. Oh how his back was sore. The rest of the people who was standing sat down on the huge family couch with them and others bringing out the huge footstools and curling up on that. Everyone was curled around each other with Techno and Ranboo in the middle. 

Tommy was curled on one of the footstools near Techno's leg while Phil was lying right next to Techno holding onto Ranboo whom was on top of him. Bad was on Techno's other side curled in a cat like ball. George and Wilbur were both leaning over onto Bad. Dream was leaning on Phil while Sapnap was on the other footstool patting Tommy's back trying to comfort the youngest. 

Techno let himself go. He let himself relax around people for the first time since he could ever remember. He was never around this many people, not to mention in the middle of it with another younger adopted child..

another younger brother. yeah.

That sounded right. Brother.

Maybe he could get used to this. Just maybe.

Little did they all know on this tragic day where they found this boy almost melting in front of them in pain was also the same day where they all had one of the best sleeps they have ever gotten.

Along with Ranboo. He was in his dream land, but none of the tall figures was there. No weird shadow on top of pillars. Just him and the stars.

The stars hugged him he felt..warm. 

He just didn't know that those stars were all the boys lazily wrapped around each other. They were his stars. He just doesn't notice it yet. You would think he would not remember them when he wakes up right?

Will he wake up in fear? Will he wake up?


Sorry if it is bad it is like 2 am anyways.

Daily reminder to myself and others:

You are sexy and awesome and super cool and sexy and awesome.

Anyways what do you think about Ranboo meeting like Quackity, Foolish, Sam, Ponk such and suchhh

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